  • 學位論文


Development and Evaluation of Online Science Fair Inquiry System

指導教授 : 吳穎沺


探究 (inquiry) 是現代科學教育的重要核心,而探究學習活動會隨著學習內容的資訊量以及認知開放程度有所不同,最終目標希望學習者有能力進行「開放式探究」(open inquiry)。科學展覽 (Science Fair)是探究學習活動中最常見的開放式探究活動。然而,科展活動在台灣的教育現場面臨許多困難與挑戰,沒有經驗的教師無法有效引導學生進行探究活動,而且專業知能不足的教師無法建立學生對於科學展覽的概念。為了幫助科展探究的教與學,本研究旨在發展一個「網路科展探究系統」(Online Science Fair Inquiry System,OSFIS)輔助科展教師進行教學活動,本研究也進一步評估OSFIS是否能符合科展教師的需求。在進行系統評估時,本研究採用便利取樣方法,針對52名國小科展教師進行訪談與問卷調查,並蒐集受訪教師的背景變項以及系統操作回饋。研究結果發現受訪教師對於OSFIS所提供探究學習歷程架構與鷹架功能在知覺有用性、知覺易用性和使用意願皆給予正面回饋,且認為OSFIS有助於科展教師與學生瞭解科展歷程以及突破教學時間不足的限制,能夠紀錄科展指導歷程。除此之外,更彌補了新手教師的專業知能不足之處,而進一步的分析結果也顯示科展專業知能、環境的限制因素以及在網路教學環境中的信心程度有可能會影響科展教師對於OSFIS的感知。本研究進一步從訪談中獲得受訪教師對系統的改善建議,包含增加認知鷹架功能,加強互動與溝通鷹架功能,介面設計需貼近國小學生的理解程度。最後,本研究依據結果與討論提出教學實務、系統設計及未來研究之建議。


Science fair is one of the most common open inquiry activities which can facilitate learners to construct their science knowledge and develop science literacy in school. However, there are a great deal of difficulties and challenges in Taiwan’s education fair. For example, novice teachers may neither effectively guide learners to conduct science fair inquiry activities nor facilitate learners to construct related knowledge. To scaffold teachers’ instruction and students’ learning in science fair inquiry, the “Online Science Fair Inquiry System” (OSFIS) was developed in this study. After the development of the OSFIS, this study also conducted a series of system evaluations on it. To this end, both questionnaire survey and tape-recorded interviews were conducted. The participants of the system evaluation in this study were 52 elementary school teachers. The participants expressed satisfactory perceived usefulness and ease of use of the OSFIS. Also, they had high intention to use the OSFIS. Moreover, this study reveals that the OSFIS may facilitate both teachers and students to understand the process of science fair inquiry, solve the limitation of activities times, record the portfolio during inquiry activities, and complement teachers’ professional knowledge. Results also indicated that the participants’ perception toward OSFIS might be influenced by environmental limitation, and their professional knowledge of science fair and confidence. Finally, some suggestions and implications for teachers to conduct open inquiry activities, system design, and future work are also proposed.


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