  • 學位論文


The Study Of Using Game-based Teaching In Chinese To Promote Learning Outcomes In Chinese Of Junior High School Students

指導教授 : 林永豐


研究者有感於社會環境中青少年語文能力的低落、學生常對於國文學習呆版的誤解,因而以遊戲式的教學方式進行語文教學,旨在探究遊戲式語文教學能否引起學生對語文的學習興趣,能否引發學習成效,及能否提升學生的語文程度。 透過為期一個學期、共六十節課中,研究者除了採用「準實驗研究法」的不等組前後測實驗設計,利用十種自製的語文遊戲活動進行遊戲式語文教學,並同時採用中華國語文能力測驗、課堂觀察紀錄、訪談等方式進行資料的蒐集,以探究研究的目的。 在實驗過後,研究的結論如下。第一、遊戲式語文教學確實能夠引起學生的學習興趣,學生為了要贏得遊戲的競賽分數,因而激起讀書的慾望,因為遊戲而在課堂表現專注、課後認真讀書。第二、實驗組的學生成績表現優異,除了學生自我感覺成績的進步外,相較於全校平均,三次段考成績均大幅領先,並排名第一;且實驗前後的段考成績在全校排名中,確實有足長的提升,顯現出學習的成效。第三、透過語文能力測驗的前後測比較,顯示出實驗前後,除了選詞的語文能力,學生的各項語文能力均有顯著的差異,表現出語文能力的提升。 因此,研究者建議教師可以使用活潑創意的教學方法以活化語文教學,並提升學生的語文程度。


Researcher perceived that teenagers in the social environment have low dergee of Chinese, and students often misunderstand that Chinese learning is dull. Therefore researcher use game-based teaching in Chinese. This study aims to investigate whether game-based teaching can arouse students’ interest in learning Chinese or not, and can lead to learning outcomes or not, and can promote students’ Chinese degree or not. Through a period of one semester and total of sixty lessons, researcher used “quasi experiment study” to make the nonequivalent groups design. Researcher used ten kinds of game-based activities that made by researcher in teaching Chinese. At the same time, researcher adopted “The Chinese Language Abilities Test” as the research instrument, and based on further observations in Chinese class, interviews to gather information for the objective of research. Several conclusions of research were made as follows after the experiment. Frist, game-based teaching in Chinese turly can arouse students’ interests in Chinese learning. In order to win the game in class, students produced the desire of study. They concentrated their attention in Chinese class, and studied hard after class. Second, students in experimental group had excellent results. In addition to the progress conscious by themselves, compared to the average of school, they take a strong lead in three monthly examinations, and ranked first. Their results of monthly examinations in school rankings before and after the experiment were turly advancement. It shows the effectiveness of learning. Third, through the comparing of pre-test and post-test scores in The Chinese Language Abilities Test, it shows that every kinds of students’ Chinese abilities before and after the experiment are significant differences, in addition to the vocabulary subtask. Therefore researcher suggests that teacher can use lively and creative teaching methods to come Chinese teaching alive, and to promote Chinese degree of junior high school students.


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