  • 學位論文


An Action Research on Second Grade Level Reading Instruction at a Primary School

指導教授 : 蔡清田博士


本研究係以行動研究的概念與精神為基礎,以繪本教材為主軸,依據情境分析結果發展出閱讀教學課程,並藉由課程之規劃與實施歷程,來瞭解國小二年級生看「封面圖」說故事、複述閱讀故事及閱讀態度等,是否有所增進,並藉此對教學進行檢討及修正。研究目的為國小二年級科任老師透過行動研究實施,探討閱讀課程教學遭遇之問題,並研擬其行動方案,實施監控行動方案歷程及評析行動方案之成效,以達成課程發展之目的。 本研究結論如下: 一、從研究情境的觀察發現:原生家庭影響學生的行為與生活表現,學生在「閱讀動機」及「閱讀態度」上之動力及認知不足,配合研究情境SWOTA分析後,顯示研究班級實施閱讀教學的必要性。 二、閱讀教學課程發展方案規劃與設計的歷程為:運用閱讀的多元面向,確定閱讀教學課程取向;建構班級願景,規劃課程目標;設計教學活動,發展教學目標;教學相關配套資源;課程方案修正與省思等步驟,使整個課程規劃與設計歷程是完整而能達成教學目標。 三、閱讀教學課程發展之實施歷程包含:以繪本為主的教學資源設計,豐富課程方案的內涵;多元化的教學方法,提升學習興趣及成效;與生活經驗結合,貼近學生真實體驗等三個行動策略,並依據行動策略提出具體可行的實施方式成效顯著。 四、評估整體課程實施成效:依學生學習成效、教師教學成效二方面探討,學生學習成效方面,學生皆朝正向積極發展;教師教學成效方面,依個人及整體教學評鑑探討其實施的優點部分與待改進的地方。 最後,研究者根據本研究的結論,對國小實施閱讀教學及未來研究提出一些具體的建議。


This research utilizes the action research methodology to improve the results of a reading curriculum that is focused on using illustrated books as primary teaching materials. The research aims to review and improve curriculum planning and execution through observing primary school second grade students tell a story via pictures, retell the story, and observing their reading attitude.The research purpose is to investigate problems found in reading curriculum and instruction via implementing action research in a primary school second grade classroom setting. The research also aims to improve the effectiveness of the action research methodology, procedure, and analysis, in order to achieve the goal of effective curriculum development. Research conclusions: 1. Through research observation, we noticed the students’ family has direct impact upon students’ actions and performance, and also has direct influence upon students’ lack of motivation and awareness for “reading motivation” and “reading attitude”. After using SWOTA to analyze the research, the necessity of the research reading curriculum is apparent. 2. The procedure for designing and planning a reading curriculum program is as follows: focusing on one reading goal since reading is multi-faceted; plan curriculum goal according to students’ needs; design instruction activities and develop instruction goals; plan for related resources used during instruction; analyze, review, and improve the reading program, in order to ensure the completeness of the program to achieve instructional goals. 3. Procedures for initiating the reading curriculum program include: utilizing illustrated books as main textbooks for an enriched curriculum; a multi-facet instructional method, in order to improve learning interest and effective outcome; and integrating students’ self life experiences into the program are three active strategies that can be used to complete an effective and successful program. 4. Evaluating the effectiveness of the course program: evaluation is two-fold; one is the students’ learning result, by looking at the amount of positive developments; second is the instructor’s teaching result, by analyzing instruction as an individual instructor and as part of the whole class to investigate instructive merits and necessary improvements. Lastly, the researcher will provide concrete recommendations on primary school level reading instruction and future research, according to the research thesis.




