  • 學位論文


A Content Analysis of Life Education Materials of Senior High School English Textbooks

指導教授 : 林永豐博士


本研究旨在探究高中英文教科書之生命教育內涵,主要採用內容分析法,以現行高中生命教育課綱為類目架構,針對三版本高中英文教科書之內容,分析比較教科書中所蘊含之生命教育內涵,並且比較不同版本之差異,以作為學校及英文教師實踐生命教育融入課程以及教科書編寫之參考依據。 本研究結論如下: 一、現行英文教科書中,所納入的生命教育教材內容呈現分佈不均之現象,在主 類目方面以「人格統整與靈性發展」最多,「哲學與人生」、「宗教與人生」 及「生命倫理與科技倫理」等類目較少,「生命教育」則缺無。 二、現行英文教科書中,所納入的生命教育教材內容在次類目方面以「8-1人格 統整內涵」最多,「4-1生與死的關係」、「7-1生命倫理及科技倫理的意涵及 重要性」與「5-1道德判斷的意涵與種類」偏少。 三、現行英文教科書中,所納入的生命教育教材內容在次類目方面,完全缺無的 次類目為「1-1生命教育的內涵」、「3-1 宗教的緣起」、「3-4正信與迷信的宗 教態度」、「6-1人性與性的意義」。 四、三種英文教科書版本在生命教育內容方面,質與量方面有所差異:A版以 「道德判斷」為特色、B版以「人格統整與靈性發展」為特色、C版以「生 命倫理與科技倫理」為特色。 基於研究發現,本研究針對學校及教師實施生命教育融入課程,教科書編寫 及後續研究提出具體建議以供參考。


The aim of this research attempts to explore how the content of life education materials is integrated in English textbooks of senior high school in Taiwan. The content analysis was adopted as the research method, with three versions of English textbooks collected as the materials in this study. This research involved a survey, comprised of both quantative and qualitative analysis of the content and the comparison of textbooks. It is hoped that the results of the study can serve as a basis for further study in life education. The major findings were as follows: 1. Currently, the distribution of the materials of life education in English textbooks was not balanced. In the major categories of life education, the most highlighted category is “the integration of characters and the development of spiritual life,” the less emphasized ones are “philosophy and life,”“religion and life”and“the bioethics and technological ethics.”The least highlighted and vacant category is “life education.” 2. Among the secondary categories of life education, the most emphasized categories are “8-1 the meaning of the integration of characters” and the less emphasized are “4-1 the relation of life and death,”“7-1 the meaning and significance of the bio- ethics and technological ethics”and“the categories and meaning of moral judgment.” 3. Among the secondary categories of life education, the completely ignored and vacant categories are “1-1 the meaning of life education,”“3-1 the arise of religion,” “3-4 the sound and superstitious attitudes towards religion ”and “the meaning of humanity and sex.” 4. The three versions are identical in both the qualitative and quantative analysis. The A version is characterized by “moral judgement,”the B version is characterized by “the integration of characters and the development of spirituality. ” The “bioethics and technological ethics” is highlighted in the C version. Based on the results of this research, the results of the research suggest the significant differences and relations to the content of life education that might profitably be addressed by teachers, textbook editors and future researchers in this area.


丁淑妙 (2010) 。 九年一貫第二學習階段自然與生活科技領域教科書生命教育相
吳碧霞 (2009) 。九年一貫第三階段藝術與人文學習領域教科書生命教育相關
