  • 學位論文

社會工作的人力資本與社工服務品質之探討 -以大台南地區小型養護機構為例

A Study of The Human Capital Of Social Work And Social Work Quality– A Case of Small-Scale Elder Long-Term Care Organization Of Tainan City.

指導教授 : 鄭讚源


本研究之目的在於探討社會工作人力資本、機構人力資源管理對於社會工作服務品質之影響。主要是以大台南地區小型養護機構中的院長/主任為研究對象。透過小型養護機構為媒介,採用評鑑社工相關指標分數與郵寄問卷方式,共回收45份有效問卷。所得資料經統計分析結果後,主要的發現如下: 一、大台南地區小型養護機構社工人員以特約社工為居多,其他工作人員兼任居次,專職社工為最少。 二、大台南地區小型養護機構的社會工作服務品質指標以員工制度分數為最高、其次為權益保障,最低則為社工服務分數。 三、大台南地區小型養護機機構的人力資源管理措施以工作設計與人員招募為最高、薪資福利為最低。 四、無其他社會工作經驗、有修過社工20學分班,其在不同面向的社會工作服務品質分數較高;而社會工作人員的價值與技巧越高,則社會工作服務品質分數 越高。 五、工作設計與人員招募措施與員工制度、權益保障分數呈現正相關,也就是說工作設計與人員招募措施越完善,其員工制度、權益保障分數越高。 六、工作設計與人員招募措施、是否修過社工20學分班、是否有其他社會 工作經驗、主管性別、主管教育程度、工作人員與住民比等變項是社 會工作服務品質的預測因子。


The purpose of this study is to explore the the factors influencing human capital of social work and social work quality of service in the small-scale elder long-term care organization of Tainan city . Subjects are the chief in the small-scale elder long-term care organization. Mailing survey questionnaire method and evaluation of quality information were employed to collect data, and valid questionnaires is 45. The data was analyzed by proper statistical procedures. The major findings and results are as follows: 1.The first priority of the type of social worker is contracted, and the second is staff as well as part-time ,the last is the fulltime in the small-scale elder long-term care organization of Tainan city and county. 2.The top score of social work quality of service is the “regulations of staff”,the second is the “social work service”,and the lowst score is the “protection on the rights” in the small long term social caring centers of Tainan city and county. 3.The top score of human resource practices is “job analysis and recruiting”,the lowst is the “pay and employee benefits” in the small-scale elder long-term care organization of Tainan city and county. 4.The demographic characteristic of respondents with high level of social work quality of service is:” no social work experience”,” graduate from continuing education credit courses of social work”,and”value and skill of social work”. 5.The respondents’ job analysis and recruiting are positively correlated with “regulations of staff” and “protection on the rights” . In other words, the respondents were possessed of more ” job analysis and recruiting” that have high level of “regulations of staff” and “protection on the rights”. 6.Demographic characteristic, “Job analysis and recruiting”, ” no social work experience”, ” graduate from continuing education credit courses of social work”, “chief gender”,”chief educational background”,and”staff/ residents ratio” are all important to predict social work quality of service.


