  • 學位論文


The Effect from Adopting the Mobile Nursing Car on the Intention to Stay: The Perspective of Technostress.

指導教授 : 洪為壐




With the rapid development of the mobile nursing car,people who work in medical institutions enjoy more conveniences, and especially hospitals can reduce their labor costs and improve performance. Adopting the mobile nursing car has become an imperative action of the technology investment for hospitals. However, both positive and negative effects of such adoption of the mobile nursing car are gradually emerging. From the real cases shown in the last few years, we can learn that the mobile nursing car will lead to some negative impact on users. In line with this, this study refers to the past literature to explore the stress derived from the use of the mobile nursing car technology, and verify the impact on job satisfaction and the intent to stay of employees. This will allow hospital management to better understand the reasons of creating stress and the impact of using the mobile nursing car. This research surveyed the medical institutions which adopted the mobile nursing car, and a total of 252 questionnaires were received. After deleting the invalid ones, 213 valid samples were retained. The results of this study found that, variables including Techno-Overload, Techno-Insecurity and Techno-Uncertainty have a significant and positive effect on System Satisfaction. Techno-Complexity and Techno-Insecurity have a significant and positive effect on Job Satisfaction. System Satisfaction has a significant and positive effect on Intention to Stay. Finally, this study proposes a conclusion. System Satisfaction will effect Intention to Stay to the employees. With the growing perspective of functions of the mobile nursing car, hospital managers should pay attention to whether this technology can create problems on employees’ intention to stay while adopting it greatly in hospitals. The study also concludes with several directions for future research




