  • 學位論文


Discuss Taiwan Crisis Management Mechanism by the Case Studies of Lienhe Fishing Boat and Fishing Boat Incident Guang Da Xing.

指導教授 : 李俊毅


在國際上,台灣相對屬於小型國家,因此容錯的範圍有限,如無法妥適處理一個危機,則可能對於國家安全、國家利益,甚至對外關係造成重大影響。本文欲探討的兩個個案-聯合號海釣船事件與廣大興號漁船事件,對人民的生命安全、國家的經濟利益(漁業)、國家利益(國家在國際法與國際談判上的漁權)、主權(釣魚台)、國家聲望等,皆有重大的影響。台灣自馬英九主政以來一直主張以和平方式解決爭端,用同樣的態度面對各種國際爭議,堅持和平方式解決爭端。而目前較主要的國際爭端有:一、與中國大陸的兩岸關係;二、與中國大陸、日本、美國的釣魚台爭議;三、與日本的漁權、主權爭議;四、與菲律賓的漁權、主權及南海爭議。而在上述爭端中,和日本與菲律賓的漁權和主權問題是近幾年較引起關注的。台灣政府在此一面向的危機處理,從而是本文主要的探討對象。 本文從危機管理的三個階段,以將一個事件分成三個階段方式,分段檢視政府在危機處理上的問題。危機管理可以區分為:危機爆發前、危機爆發時與危機發生後等三階段進行研究分析。其次,從Leavitt組織變革管理理論應用到本論文,擴大討論危機發生之後的第三階段(危機發生後之復原),從組織、人員、文化、技術等4個層面來分別探討聯合號海釣船事件與廣大興號漁船事件,究竟在危機管理方面存在哪些缺失需要改進,最後則是結論及政策建議。 關鍵字:危機管理、聯合號海釣船事件、廣大興號漁船事件。


Internationally, Taiwan is a small country relatively limited range of fault-tolerant. Therefore, if Taiwan can not properly handle a crisis , Taiwan might be for national security, national interests , or even a significant impact on foreign relations . This paper is to investigate two cases - a joint event with the Lienhe fishing boat and fishing boat incident Guang Da Xing, the people 's lives and safety, economic interests of the country ( fisheries ) , national interests ( national fishing rights in international law and international negotiations ) , sovereignty ( Diaoyutai ) , national prestige , etc. , there are a significant impact. Ruled Taiwan since Ma Ying-jeou has always advocated a peaceful solution to the dispute, in the face of international controversy with the same attitude, adhere to the peaceful settlement of disputes. At present, there are more significant international disputes: a cross-strait relations with mainland China ; Second, with China , Japan, the United States, the Diaoyutai dispute ; Third, Japan and fishing rights , sovereignty dispute ; four , and fishing rights in the Philippines , sovereignty and the South China Sea dispute . In these disputes, and fishing rights and sovereignty issues between Japan and the Philippines in recent years over the cause of concern. Taiwan's government in this crisis -oriented processing to be discussed in this article the main object. From the three stages of crisis management, to the way an event is divided into three stages, segmented view the government on the issue of crisis management. Crisis management can be divided into: Prior to the crisis, and the crisis after three stages during the crisis, such as research and analysis. Secondly, organizational change management theory is applied to the paper from Leavitt expand discuss the crisis after the third stage (recovery after the crisis), from four levels of the organization , people, culture , and technology to explore the Lienhe were fishing boat incident Guang Da Xing fishing boat with the majority of events, exactly what are missing crisis management needs to be improved , and finally the conclusions and policy recommendations. Key words: Crisis management, Lienhe fishing boat, Fishing boat incident Guang Da Xing.


