  • 學位論文


The Study of the Integrity Situtation Analysis and the Government Anti-Corruption Governance in Taiwan

指導教授 : 蔡育岱


自2012年以來,臺灣相繼爆發社會矚目之高層貪污案件,一再衝擊政府形象,造成人民對政府的信任出現危機,嚴重斵傷政府形象。對於任何國家而言,無論其歷史的演進、經濟發展程度、憲政架構、政府─企業─社會制度安排、國家競爭力為何,貪腐,都是一個永續存在的問題,對民主體制、國民經濟和法治必定帶來莫大的損害。 在國際反貪思潮下,政府的清廉度評價,已成為全球化的重要議題,「清廉」是臺灣的核心價值,清廉施政攸關國家競爭力,也是人民對政府信任及期待的基礎。惟觀之臺灣在全球清廉印象指數近3年(2011、2012及2013年)之排名則為第32、37及36名,得分分別為6.1分、61分及61分;排名始終停滯不前,相較於新加坡、香港之高度廉潔,我國尚有相當進步空間,如要真正讓民眾有感仍需加大反貪力道,持續深化「防貪、肅貪、再防貪」機制,以營造「貪污零容忍」的社會環境。 法務部廉政署業於2011年7月20日成立,迄今2年多來,此新機關為兼具預防、調查雙重功能的專責反腐敗機構,相關的廉政政策推動,以反貪與防貪為主、肅貪為輔的工作主軸,是否能有效的獲得人民的支持與信任,係本研究聚焦的重點,探討為何貪腐指數迄今無法改善,並藉由新加坡及香港成功的廉政治理經驗,尋求政府仍必須深入檢討機關肅貪、防貪能力待加強之關鍵,整合理論與實務意見,期能提出政策建言與具體建議,俾供參考。


Since 2012, cases of corruption involving high-level officials have occurred one after another in Taiwan. These severely destroy the government image, making a crisis of public trust in government. For any country, regardless of the evolution of history, the extent of economics, the structure of Constitution, the arrangement of government-enterprise-social structure, as well as national competitive power, corruption is an existing problem, which must bring damage to the system of democracy, national economics and rule by law. With the thought against corruption, measuring the degree of integrity in government has become an international issue. Integrity is the core-value of Taiwan. Integrity in administration is related to national competitive power, and it is the foundation of public trust and expectation. However, based on Corruption Perception Index (CPI), for the past three years (2011, 2012, and 2013), Taiwan was ranked number 32, 37, and 36, and the scores were 6.1, 61, and 61 respectively. There has been no progress at all. Compared to the high degree of integrity in Singapore and Hong Kong, there is still much room for Taiwan to improve. If our government wants the public to agree with it, officials still need to make effort to fight against corruption, reinforcing the mechanism of “preventing corruption, stamping out corruption, and then preventing corruption” to build a social environment of “no tolerance towards corruption.” Agency Against Corruption, Ministry of Justice was established in July, 20, 2011. It has been two years since this agency was established. This new agency is especially in charge of corruption prevention and corruption investigation. When enforcing related corruption-control policies, we rely mainly on fighting against corruption and preventing corruption supplemented by stamping out corruption. Can this guideline gain public support and trust effectively? The research focuses on this question, investigating the reason why Taiwan still can not improve on CPI. Moreover, take the successful anti-corruption experiences of Singapore and Hong Kong for example, seeking for the key point of stamping out corruption and enhancing the prevention function for our government. Finally, the research will integrate theories and practical opinions, and expect to make state policy suggestions and give concrete advices to government.


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