  • 學位論文

文創產業與社區發展的關聯性 ─以苑裡鎮為例

The Relationship of Cultural and Creative Industry and Community Development –A Case of Yuan Li Township

指導教授 : 周登陽


摘要 從1994年陳其南先生提出「社區總體營造」至今,剛好二十年,2002年的經建會制定的國家發展重點計畫將文創產業納入,展現政府發展此產業的決心及信心,2010年文化部制定了文化創意產業發展法,如今在台灣這個理念已深耕且發展出足以代表台灣特色的在地產業。從許多成功的社區改造案例看出這幾年的成果,如新港社區總體營造、後壁村土溝里、大稻埕迪化街再造…等,對於台灣在地經濟與總體環境的促進與提升貢獻卓著。 在政府與民間均重視並大力推廣的時機,本研究從苑裡鎮個案的問題認為值得探討並希望能喚起所有關係人:政府、居民、藝術家、文創工作者、業者等人的重視與省思,透過文獻的研究、深度在地觀察、深度訪談與SWOT分析,找出問題形成的因素,並探討另外二個成功案例台南市海安路與日本吉祥寺其成功因素,以提供苑裡鎮改造的參考。 最後,研究結果綜合幾位受訪者的意見,大多認為苑裡鎮的現況改善需要政府支持,和專業團隊進駐,透過專業規劃讓鎮民共同參與,有效率地執行推廣。本研究認為這個意見不僅符合成功案例中的日本吉祥寺與台南海安路的模式,也是苑裡鎮個案的最適切解決方案。


Abstract Since Mr. Chen Chi-Nan initialized the idea of the Community Development in Taiwan in 1994,as following, it has inspiredmany fields to learn to cooperate with each other to build it up practically. In 2002,theCouncil for Economic Planning And Development(now National Development Council)instituted “challenge 2008, 2002~2007 the National Important Development Plan”, where the cultural and creative industry is included formally, to declare government’s determination and faith to develop this industry, then in 2010, the Ministry of Culture set up “the Cultural and Creative Industry Development Law” to the ground. After 20 years, we can see, from many successful models, the spirit and the idea of Community Development have been deeply launched and influenced Taiwan. Such as, Hsin-Gang community development, Ho-bi village To-go Li, Di-Hua Street reform…etc., all have great contribution on the economic and environment. My research purpose, through documentary survey, deep visit and observe, experts interview, and SWOT analysis, expects to stimulate those related roles, the government, the artists, the cultural and creative workers, the local residents and the businessmen, to see the problems and to reflect itself. And also applying the other two case studies, Tainan Hai-an Road reformed and Kichijouji of Japan, to help Yuan-li Township for reform reference. From the conclusion of the survey and interviews, most of opinions indicate that the township reform needs government’s support and expert group, which also cooresponds to the cases of Tainan Hai-An Road and Kichijouji of Japan. The thesys suggests it is the best solution for Yuan-Li township reform as well.


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