  • 學位論文


A study on the institution of annual leave with pay in Taiwan

指導教授 : 楊通軒


受到全球化的影響,造成勞動力的變化,勞工自身之勞動意識和就業形態產生多樣化,因此對於工作時間的限制所根據之權利基礎不再僅止於健康權的保護,改轉向與人格形成和發展相連結之餘暇論,要求進修和學習時間的調和。我國勞動基準法自民國73年公布施行以來歷次修正調整,其目的無非在健全勞雇關係、保障勞工權益、增進勞工身心健康,關於特別休假之規定,30多年以來卻從未修正或增訂,餘暇權的保障需要靠休假來實踐,然我國特別休假制度真的沒有需要改進的地方嗎? 本文以「文獻分析法」從已有的資料與文獻中做系統性分析,並以「比較研究法」,針對他國法規制度提出彙整及說明,以利相較差異或優劣,作為日後台灣法律增訂或修改的方向與建議。首先簡略介紹ILO相關公約或建議書等及他國或地區特別休假制度,藉由比較之觀點,研究是否有值得我國制度師法之處。後針對我國特別休假沿革、立法目的與法律性質做一剖析,並說明我國勞動者於勞動基準法上之特別休假權的成立要件,並針對實務操作常見問題,探究特別休假權相關問題。期望能對於我國現行特別休假制度提出改善及修法建議,助於該制度運作更為順暢,並能使勞動者之權益獲得更完善的保障,更易於取得特別休假來改善生活品質。 台灣關於特別休假之規定過於簡陋,所以常見使用行政函釋解釋規定,造成行政解釋凌駕於法規之上,而法院判決常援引行政函釋,忽視法規要件,造成判決偏頗。勞資雙方對於特別休假目的之誤解,造成特別休假被當作抵充事假或病假之用,甚而資方為節省人事成本,對勞工行使特別休假諸多刁難,造成休假困難。另外,行政函釋解釋不清,而雇主、人資不懂勞動法令而錯誤解讀並承襲老舊錯誤觀念,以上種種皆造成勞工特別休假權利備受侵害。針對上述情形,實應修改法令、完善法規、加重罰則,取消因年度終結應休未休日數之工資並增加鼓勵休假制度,且取消因年資累進特休假日數,改為固定統一給予一定日數,可減少計算上之爭議。而勞工應有特別休假期日指定權,並仿效德國增列工時帳戶制度,來避免休假碎片化。最重要的是要加強法律宣導、人資訓練並鼓勵企業建立代理人制度,使勞工更願意且更容易使用特別休假,達到提升生活品質之目的。


Affected by globalization, changes in the labor force or worker's own work ethic and of diverse forms of employment, so the limitation of working hours according to the basis of the right of protection is no longer only limited to the right to health, personality formation and change steering On the development of leisure time to reconcile with the link of the required training and learning time. Since the publication of the Labor Standards Act amended since the implementation of the previous adjustment, its purpose in the employee-employer relationship between sound, protection of labor rights, enhance physical and mental health workers, particularly the provisions on leave 30 years but never corrected or updated, guarantees the right of leisure time need to rely on vacations to practice, then our annual leave institution really did not need to improve it? In this paper, "document analysis" done from the existing data and literature systematic and scientific analysis, and "comparative research" made against him aggregated national regulations and instructions, in order to facilitate the advantages and disadvantages compared to the differences or, as the future of Taiwan legal update or direction of the proposed changes. First, a brief description of the relevant ILO conventions or recommendations and other countries or regions and annual leave institution, by comparing the opinions, whether there is place worth imitating our institution. In view of the annual leave after the history, purpose and legal nature of the legislation to make a analysis and description of the elements in the establishment of workers annual leave right on the Labor Standards Act, and for the practical operation of common problems, explore annual leave rights related issues. Hoping for annual leave our current institution and the improved proposal to amend the law, help the institution work better, and to make the rights of workers to get better protection, easy to obtain annual leave to improve the quality of life. Taiwan's provisions on annual leave too simple, so use common administrative letter shown interpretations, resulting in administrative interpretation above the top of regulations, and court decisions often invoke administrative rules, neglect regulatory requirements, resulting in biased judgment. Misunderstanding between employers and employees for the purpose of annual leave, annual leave is deemed to be offset cause to leave or sick leave, even employers in order to save personnel expenses, for labor to exercise annual leave many difficulties, resulting in difficulty vacation. In addition, the administrative letter shows poorly explained, employers, human resources understand labor laws misinterpreted and inherited the old misconception, all of these are caused by annual leave entitlements highly labor violations. In response to these circumstances, the real should revise laws, improve the legal framework, increased penalties, canceled due to year end should break wage the number of days without rest and increase encourage vacation institution, and canceled due to years of progressive annual leave for several days, changed to a fixed unified to give a certain number of days can be reduced on the disputed calculations. And labor rights should be specified due date annual leave and additional work to follow the” Arbeitszeitkonto” of Germany, to avoid vacation fragmented. The most important thing is to strengthen legal advocacy, human resources training and encourage enterprises to set up an agent institution to make easier to use labor more willing to leave, to enhance the quality of life purpose.


