  • 學位論文


The Study of Mediating Effect of Organizational Dynamic Capability on the Relationship between Employment Competence and Employee Engagement

指導教授 : 林淑慧 博士


全世界經濟景氣持續低迷,各國失業率持續攀升,行政院勞工委員會(現已改制為勞動部)為培養失業者再就業能力,以紓緩失業問題,因而推出一連串的就業促進方案。「多元就業開發方案」即為解決失業問題,藉由整合中央部會資源及結合地方政府與轄區法人或團體,透過補助計畫的方式,創造在地工作機會的重要就業促進方案。 非營利組織在執行此類就業促進政策方案計畫時,多將其視為一種補助方案來辦理,較少從組織整體發展、未來能獨立營運的角度來思考,在政府社會福利預算日益緊縮的狀況下,執行「多元就業開發方案」的非營利組織應思索如何能藉由其所提供的產品與服務以創造利潤,進而提供弱勢族群就業機會或促進社區產業發展,甚能轉型成社會企業。 本研究透過問卷調查研究並以階層線性模式(多層次分析)方式,探討組織動態能力對就業力與員工敬業度之中介影響,目的在於瞭解「多元就業開發方案」之進用人員、專案經(管)理人在執行方案及面對組織轉型時,可能展現的態度、行為或工作表現。 研究結果顯示,進用人員的「專業力」、「洞察力」、「合作力」、「平衡力」對「員工敬業度」均有顯著正向影響,而「組織動態能力」對於進用人員之「就業力」與「員工敬業度」之間並不會產生顯著正向影響,由此可證明進用人員在此方案的就業力與員工敬業度展現並不會全然受限於單位組織的型態與作用。 本研究依據假設實證分析結果、方案執行實際況態與職場結構人力運用等,分別對政府層面、組織層面及個人層面,提出實務建議或主張,以作為未來後續相關研究之參考。


The global economy remains mired in recession and the unemployment rate continues to rise in various countries. The Council of Labor Affairs that is called Ministry of Labor nowadays launched a series of employment promotion programs and hoped to train the unemployed people to regain their ability to work in order to alleviate the unemployment problem. In the impetus process of the Multi-Employment Promotion Program, most of the non-profit organizations deemed that as a form of subsidy project. Few of them explored that program from the perspective of organizational development, a transformation of independent operation. The budget for social welfare has been reduced in recent years. If the MEPP can successfully transform non-profit organizations into social enterprises, these social enterprises might be able to sustain themselves by providing product or services to make profits and even creating job opportunities for minorities. The purpose of the study was to realize the difference to both recruiters and managers on attitude, behavior and performance during the process of implementing the MEPP. The results indicated that recruiters’ expertise, insight, cooperation and balance to employees’ diligence have a statistically significant positive association. Nevertheless, there is no positive association between the organizational dynamic capability, employment competence and employee engagement. Therefore, this study proved that the organization categories of business unit did not interfere the recruiters’ working performance and diligence. In this study, we follow the results of empirical analysis based on assumptions, the program from the actual status, and labor status in the firm structures to propose the suggestions or ideas on the government level, the organizational level and individual level. In order to giving the guide to follow-up studies in the future.


