  • 學位論文


A Study on Intention to Use e-Learning: A Case Study of Tzu Chi Hospital

指導教授 : 黃維民


網路學習無所不在,隨著資訊科技與網路技術快速發展,數位化已成為不可逆之趨勢。加上近幾年智慧型手機的發明,也讓行動學習成為隨時隨地能線上學習的熱門管道。而醫學知識日新月異,醫學教育因應數位化,數位學習將成為主要學習方式,使學習不受時間與空間的限制,且能減少教育訓練成本。 本研究以「解構式計畫行為理論」為基礎建立研究概念架構,配合實證調查研究,以慈濟醫療體系之實習醫學生共234名為研究對象,進行影響數位學習使用意圖之研究調查,共計回收有效問卷137份,回收率為58.55%。經以SmartPLS 2.0統計軟體分析後,結果發現影響實習醫學生數位學習使用意圖之因素有:知覺有用性、相容性、可觀察性、同儕影響、自我效能、幫助條件、態度、知覺行為控制等八項關鍵因素。本研究建議,醫院若欲推廣數位學習予實習醫學生使用,可宣傳使用數位學習的效益,進而提高使用意圖。


Internet learning is omnipresent, along with information technology and the rapid development of network technology, digitization has become the irreversible trend. Due to the invention of the smartphone in recent years, mobile learning has become a popular way in e-Learning anytime. As medical knowledge advances, medical education in response to digitization, e-Learning will be the main way of learning without the limitation to time and space, and can also reduce the cost of training. In this empirical study, “Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior” was modified and applied to construct the conceptual framework. The survey research total of 234 questionnaires were administered in Tzu Chi hospital. The effective response rate was 58.55% with a sum of 137 respondents. The statistical results indicated that eight significant factors influencing the behavior includes perceived usefulness, compatibility, observability, peer influence, self efficacy, facilitating conditions, attitude and perceived behavior control. The study suggests in order to popularize e-Learning amongst medical students, the hospital can emphasize the benefits and enhance the intention of using e-Learning.


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