  • 學位論文


The Connection Between Flexibility Workforce and Occupational Accidents in Construction Industry

指導教授 : 馬財專


近年來台灣雖然在勞動部及政府相關部門大力倡導工作安全第一,並跨部會推動「職業安全衛生促進方案」,使得各相關產業的災害有顯著下降之趨勢,但由於營造業與其他產業作業特性不同,主要是營造業的工作大多屬於勞動負荷量大、戶外高處作業多、作業受外在環境影響潛在危害高、作業中與大型機械、各式手工機具或構造物等媒介物接觸多、勞工作業習性等,依據過往發生職業災害案例研究中可以發現,大多著重於外在環境、安全設施與施工方式的改善,但鮮少有針對營造公司在勞動力需求下採用多元彈性人力運用的方式(如:承攬分包、勞動派遣、點工等)對職業災害的相關性。 由於營造業的競爭激烈,對於營造公司而言,運用多元彈性人力來提供非穩定的工程案量的勞動力,是具有節省勞動成本的效益,但相對於工地安全衛生管理上卻也是個很大的挑戰,本研究透過產、官界的訪談,來瞭解甲級營造公司、乙級營造公司、丙級營造公司在不同規模與不同工程專業的經營下,如何運作內部組織與選擇分包模式。另外,對於政府主管機關法令規範與稽查下,如何輔導協助營造公司面對來職業災害的問題。本研究結果發現: 一、營造公司多元彈性人力運用存在必要,不僅是考量勞動成本因素,另因每個建築與土木工程還需要不同專業分項的廠商、人員同時或分階段進場施工,而單一營造公司無法在組織編制裡長久聘僱這些勞工,因此未來營造公司應採分包承攬予法人加強承攬管理及規劃好營造綜合保險可讓現場作業分層管理更明確,勞工職災有保障。 二、透過不斷修正的法令,尤其是102年7月上路的職業安全衛生法,採取廣義的雇主來規範營造公司的管理責任與職業災害補償、賠償責任,將可使原事業單位的營造公司更為謹慎執行安全衛生事項。


In recent years, the Ministry of Labor and associated government agencies in Taiwan has made great efforts in promoting workplace safety and implementing the “Occupational Safety and Health Advancement Program”. As a result, significant reduction in workplace accidents across various industries has taken place. The workplace condition in the construction industry, however, is very different than that in other industries. The construction work mostly involves heavy labor and many tasks occur outdoor and at varying heights. It is potentially highly dangerous because of the working environment, the exposure to heavy equipment and a variety of manual power tools and poor work habits. The previous research and case studies on occupational accidents mainly emphasized the improvement of the outside working environment, safety facilities and construction techniques. Very little research focused on the connection between occupational accidents and the so called Flexible workforce such as contracting, subcontracting contract, dispatched employment, spot workers, which are ways to fulfill the labor need of the construction companies. Due to the competitiveness of the construction industry, the adoption of flexible workforce provides the construction companies the laborers needed for the unstable amount of projects and financial savings in labor cost. However, it presents great challenges to the health and safety management at the construction site. Through the interviews with both the industry and the government agencies, our research examines the organizational operation and contractor selection process by Class A, Class B and Class C construction companies which vary in their sizes and expertise. In addition, this research addresses ways to counsel and assist the construction companies in dealing with their issues in project management when audited by government authorities. The research shows:1.The necessity of flexible workforce for construction companies does not simply attribute to the savings in labor cost. After all, every architect and civil engineering project requires contractors and personnel of different expertise to take part in the construction either simultaneously or at different stages. And a single construction company cannot permanently employ these laborers within its organizational structure. Therefore, construction companies should be adopted to create a sub-contracting for companies. Make more intense management at contractors will make management more clearly.And the good construction of composite insurance will safeguard the occupational accident labor.2.Under the ever-revised laws, particularly the Occupational Safety and Health Act enacted in July 2013, that regulate a construction company’s management responsibility and liability for occupational accident compensation, the construction companies of original business entities are to be more cautious in evaluating site workers and better plan for risk management


