  • 學位論文


Research for Control and Audit of Information Project - Illustrated by the case of SAP System Integration program

指導教授 : 張碩毅


全球IT專案失敗率高達80%,成功的專案也有50%預算超支或延遲結案時間。若能有第三方公證人員例如:專案稽核師(Project Auditor, PA)在專案生命週期的各階段來稽查專案的進度和缺失,以協助專案持續改善及順利進行以至完成結案。每個專案若能搭配一套專業的專案稽核機制來進行整體的監控,就可以大大降低專案的失敗率。 本研究主要是探討如何在SAP系統導入專案的生命週期中適時適當地加入稽核規範,以期望達成的目的是希望能夠建立一套符合業界需求的資訊專案控制與稽核規範機制應用在各種大大小小的專案管理上,藉此提昇專案執行的成功率及專案品質。本研究是採用個案研究法進行驗證該資訊專案的控制與稽核機制適用於實務界的可行性。


專案稽核 專案控制


The failure rate of IT projects all over the world reaches 80%. There is also 50% of budge overspent or delay in settlement for successful projects. If there are third party notarization personnel such as project auditors to inspect the schedule and deficiency of projects in each stage of life cycle in order to assist in project improvement till settlement of the project, and each project is equipped with a set of professional inspection mechanism for overall supervision, the failure rate of the projects can be greatly reduced. The study mainly explores how to add audit standards appropriately in the life cycle of project induced in SAP system with the purpose to establish a set of information project control complying with the industrial demands and apply audit standard mechanism in all kinds of project management in order to improve the success rate of project execution and project quality. The study adopts cases study to verify the feasibility of the application of the information project and audit mechanism in practice.


Project Audit Project Control


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[1] Learning from Failure—the Systems Approach, Joyce Fortune and Geoff Peters, Wiley, Chichester, 1995.
[2] A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOKGuide), Third Edition (2004). by Project Management Institute. Project Management Institute.
