  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study of the Phonology of Taiwan Sign Language and Signed Chinese

指導教授 : 麥傑


此論文比較台灣手語與中文手語的音韻系統。台灣手語的語法不同於中文,而中文手語是為了提升聽障生中文讀寫能力而發明的,其比法基本上跟中文語法一致。然而,中文手語並未能成功提升聽障生的語文能力,且聽障生似乎難以將中文手語學好。中文手語難以學習的因素包括:教師的中文手語表達並不完整、中文手語詞彙本身在構詞結構上較為複雜,但我們並不清楚中文手語本身手語的音韻組成跟自然的台灣手語有何不同,也不清楚中文手語的手語表達方式是否和台灣手語一樣遵守一些自然的音韻限制。因此,此論文分析中文手語及台灣手語在音韻組成上是否有其差異。此外,我也利用兩組實驗來測試這些音韻特性的差異是否可能會造成學習上的困難。 比較台灣手語與中文手語在手形、位置與動作三個組成成份的異同,本研究發現中文手語比台灣手語更常使用複雜的手形來組成手語。中文手語也比台灣手語更常違反主從限制 (使用副手來表達手語的動作) 及敘事者觀點原則 (從觀看者觀點表達文字手語) 這兩個音韻限制。這些差異可能會使人覺得中文手語本身比法難以學習。 為了測試違反主從限制或敘事者觀點原則是否會造成手語學習上的困難,本研究設計一個手語難易度判斷的實驗,來釐清不懂手語的聽人偏好以哪隻手來表達手語的動作,或是他們偏好從哪個觀點來描述文字手語。接著以回顧試驗來檢測是否違反這些自然音韻限制的手語較難被正確地記住。實驗的結果發現聽人確實認為使用副手來比出手語的動作是比較難的,但是他們對於應從敘事者或觀察者角度來表達文字手語並無明顯的偏好。因此,敘事者觀點這個音韻限制可能並不像主從限制一樣是一種應該被普遍遵守的自然音韻限制。本研究根據實驗的結果針對中文手語的設計規則與聽障教育提出一些看法與建議。


This thesis compares the phonological patterns of Taiwan Sign Language (TSL) with those of Signed Chinese (SC). TSL has a grammatical system that is different from Chinese, whereas SC basically adopts the grammar of Chinese and was invented with the goal of improving deaf children’s Chinese literacy. However, SC has not succeeded in helping deaf children to improve their Chinese literacy, and it also cannot be well learned by deaf children. Factors that have been investigated for why SC is difficult to learn include incomplete SC input from teachers and complicated morphological properties of SC itself. However, at the phonological level, it is unclear whether the sign-internal composition of SC signs is similar to that of TSL, and it is also uncertain whether SC signs obey natural phonotactic constraints that hold true for TSL signs. This thesis investigates the possibility that the SC lexicon is structurally different from that of TSL (i.e., violating phonotactic constraints that are obeyed by TSL signs). In addition, two sets of experiments were run to test whether these differences would cause learning difficulties. Comparisons of handshape, location and movement patterns between TSL and SC showed that SC adopts marked handshapes more frequently than TSL. Regarding phonotactic constraints, SC violates the Dominance Condition (by using the nondominant hand for articulating hand movement) and the Narrator Perspective Principle (by depicting Chinese characters from the viewer’s perspective) more frequently than TSL. These differences might make it difficult for people to learn this system. In order to test whether violations of the Dominance Condition and the Narrator Perspective Principle would cause learning difficulties, a difficulty judgment task was designed to test hearing nonsigners’ preference regarding the choice of hand for making movements and the perspective taken for depicting Chinese characters. A memory task followed with the goal of testing whether signs violating these constraints would be harder to recall correctly. Experimental results suggested that using the nondominant hand for making movement is disfavored by novice learners. Nevertheless, nonsigners showed no clear preference as to how to sign a Chinese character. Thus, the Narrator Perspective Principle might not be as natural a principle for signing as the Dominance Condition. Results are summarized and discussed with regard to the implications for the design principles of SC signs and deaf education.


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