  • 學位論文

武陵地區黃魚鴞(Ketupa flavipes)育雛食性及活動模式

Diet and activity pattern of Tawny fish owl(Ketupa flavipes) nestlings in Wuling

指導教授 : 孫元勳 博士


黃魚鴞(Ketupa flavipes)為台灣唯一的親水性貓頭鷹。早期的研究主要在低海拔地區,是少數比較有系統性研究的夜行性猛禽。武陵的七家灣溪是一個獨特的溪流生態系,為目前台灣櫻花鉤吻鮭(Oncorhynchus masou formosanus)的最主要棲地,也是黃魚鴞於台灣分佈海拔較高的地區之一。因此本研究以無線電定位以及紅外線監視錄影調查武陵地區的黃魚鴞繁殖生態。發現有兩處繁殖領域,其大小分別為5.3 km以及7.75 km。以現有的領域分布來看,推測這可能已經是武陵地區的承載上限。武陵黃魚鴞的孵卵期從2月中到4月初,約36-41天;育雛期從四月初到五月底,約56-57天。研究記錄到的三個巢位全都在大徑木的斷面上,對天然林有一定的依賴性。三巢平均的育雛食性以魚類比例佔最高(47.8%),其次為兩棲類(42.8%)。這跟低海拔的族群使用崖薑蕨為巢,以甲殼類、兩棲類為主要食性的生態棲位有所不同,主要是因為不同地理區的生物相差異所致。此外,氣候、個體、繁殖壓力、季節、巢位至覓食區的距離都有可能對黃魚鴞親鳥的育雛行為產生影響。對照前人的食繭分析跟巢觀察資料,育雛食性不能代表黃魚鴞的日常食性。以目前的資料來看,黃魚鴞公母鳥行為分工明顯,母鳥在育雛初期負責照顧幼鳥,中後期開始加入獵食的行列。公鳥在整個繁殖季都擔任攜帶獵物回巢的角色。


黃魚鴞 食性 繁殖 行為 育雛


Tawny Fish Owl (Ketupa flavipes) is the only riparian owl in Taiwan and is one of the few nocturnal raptors which receive much research attention. Early studies focused on this species were mostly done in low elevation. Qijiawan River in Wuling is a unique stream ecosystem that is the major habitat of Formosan Landlocked Salmon (Oncorhynchus masou formosanus) and one of the highest areas within Tawny Fish Owl’s distribution range in Taiwan. Hence, this study utilized telemetry and infrared video camera to study the breeding ecology of Tawny Fish Owl in Wuling. I found two breeding territories of 5.3 km and 7.75 km length, and judging from the number of other non-breeding territories, two breeding territories might be the capacity of Wuling. The incubation period was 36-41 days which began in mid-February and ended in early April. Nestling period was approximately 56-57 days from early April to late May. All 3 nests recorded were located on cross-sections of trees with DBH > 1 m in primary forests, showing certain level of dependency on primary forests. Fish and amphibians comprised of the majority of the nestlings’ diet (47.8% and 42.8%, respectively). The findings of this study showed that the Tawny Fish Owl in Wuling used different nest sites and had different diet composition compared with populations in lower elevations, presumably due to difference in available resources. In addition, climate, individual, breeding pressure, season and the distance from nest to foraging site could all influence the breeding behaviors of Tawny Fish Owl. Compared with previous nest observation data, nestling’s diet could not represent adult’s diet. Division of work was obvious between sexes, where females stayed in nests in early nestling period and later join in the hunt, and males provided prey throughout the entire breeding season.


Ketupa flavipes diet reproduction behavior nestling


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劉依昕(2015)。武陵地區黃魚鴞(Ketupa flavipes)之移動模式與幼鳥播遷〔碩士論文,國立屏東科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6346/NPUST.2015.00273
