  • 學位論文


Cultural Values and Leisure Functions of Shadow Puppets :A Case Study of Light-Salt Folk Art Troupe in Pingtung

指導教授 : 毛冠貴 廖珮如


本研究採用質性與量化分析,探討皮影戲的文化價值及休閒功能。在質性分析方面,針對皮影戲觀賞者與表演者進行深度訪談。在量化分析方面,透過問卷統計分析,進行描述性統計、獨立樣本t 檢定與成對樣本t 檢定及單因子變異數分析。研究結果顯示,參與皮影戲活動整體文化價值平均值為4.09,其中以傳統的皮影戲文化價值(4.12)為最高,其次為創新的皮影戲文化價值(4.06)。女生、10~20歲(含)、大專生、喜歡與朋友一起觀賞皮影戲並從學校老師得知皮影戲活動資訊者對於文化價值的感受度較高,顯示藉由觀賞皮影戲表演過程呈現的藝術文化,近距離體驗皮影戲劇情傳達的教育意涵,使參與皮影戲活動的受訪者皆能獲得良好的文化價值,且在皮影戲劇情具有文化傳承意義並有助於其文化交流上有著較高的同意度。受訪者參與皮影戲活動時所獲得的個人休閒功能同意度以創新的皮影戲個人休閒功能(3.87)為最高,其次為創新的皮影戲個人休閒功能(3.71)。顯示受訪者對於創新的皮影戲感受度較為明顯,在參與皮影戲活動同時也能達到其娛樂效果、使人心情愉快及調劑身心。而參與皮影戲活動時所獲得的團體休閒功能同意度一樣以創新的皮影戲團體休閒(3.86)為最高,其次為傳統的皮影戲團體休閒(4.06)。顯示受訪者在創新的皮影戲團體休閒功能中的同意度較高,經由參與皮影戲過程能增進和諧氣氛,培養團隊合作精神且更能縮短人與人之間的距離,更進一步得到社會休閒功能的最大效益。在參與皮影戲活動時感受的皮影戲特色又以創新的皮影戲特色(4.21)為最高,其次為傳統的皮影戲特色(3.89)。顯示在創新的皮影戲特色中,具有與眾不同的獨特性,皮影戲表演時演技專業且活潑生動,並隨劇情故事表演隨之搭配的音樂不僅讓每個參與皮影戲活動的受訪者都能樂在其中,其中皮影戲表演的道具精緻化與多樣化,更具有獨創一格的吸引力,使受訪者印象深刻且廣為現今大眾所接受並永續傳承下去,因此依據本研究結果就創新的紙影戲這方面提出多方面建議,以供未來皮影戲的表演者在進行表演的過程中,能站在觀賞者的角度,並更加瞭解觀賞者的想法與立場,日後加以不斷改良及進步,期待將來有朝一日能再創造出有別以往的皮影戲表演高峰。


皮影戲 文化價值 休閒功能


This study used qualitative and quantitative analysis to explore the cultural values and recreational functions shadow play. In the qualitative analysis, the viewer for shadow-depth interviews with the performers. In terms of quantitative analysis, statistical analysis, through questionnaires, descriptive statistics, independent samples t test and paired-sample t-test and ANOVA analysis. The results showed that the activities involved in the overall cultural values shadow average of 4.09, with the traditional shadow play cultural values (4.12) was the highest, followed by the shadow of innovation and cultural value (4.06). Girls, aged 10 to 20 (inclusive), college students, like with friends and watch the shadow that shadow IT activities who feel for the cultural values of the higher degree from a school teacher, shadow puppet show performed by watching the process of presenting art and culture, close-up experience shadow story to convey meaning education, so participation in the activities of the respondents by key shadow can get a good cultural values and cultural heritage significance in the story and helps its shadow has a high degree of agreement on cultural exchanges. Individual leisure function respondents shadow activity participation obtained consent of the individuals with innovative shadow recreational functions (3.87) was the highest, followed by shadow innovative personal recreational functions (3.71). Display shadow respondents feel for the degree of innovation is more evident in the participation of shadow activity but also to achieve its entertainment, make people feel happy and swap body and mind. The groups involved in shadow leisure activities function obtained with the consent of the same innovative leisure shadow group (3.86) was the highest, followed by the traditional shadow play groups and leisure (4.06). Display respondents agreed that the degree of innovation in the shadow of the higher bodies recreational functions, through participation in the process of shadow can enhance harmony and cultivate the spirit of teamwork and better to shorten the distance between people, and further to social and leisure functions maximum efficiency. When participating in activities feel shadow shadow shadow features innovative features (4.21) was the highest, followed by the traditional shadow play features (3.89). Innovative features are displayed in shadow, and have distinctive uniqueness shadow when acting professional and lively performances and story with the story along with performances of music not only to the activities of each of the participating respondents shadow can enjoy paper which, among shadow show props refined and diverse, has created a grid more attractive, so that respondents were impressed and now widely accepted by the public and sustainable passed along, so the results of this study on the basis of innovation movie made many suggestions in this regard for the future shadow puppet show performer during the process, can stand the perspective of the viewer, and a better understanding of the idea of the position of the viewer, to continuous improvement and progress in the future and look forward to the future one day do not ever again have to create a shadow play performance peak.


2.Rokeach, M. (1973),The nature of human values, New York.
