  • 學位論文


The coordination between Non-profit organizations with in-kind benefit – Case study of food bank in the Kaohsiung City

指導教授 : 王仕圖


食物銀行一詞源自於1960年代,由美國人John Van Henzel所創辦的「聖瑪麗食物銀行 」 (St. Mary's Food Bank),而我國最早的食物銀行則始於1997年,由陳大德先生所創設,該食物銀行向麵包店募集過剩的麵包,再藉由志工發送給社會中的弱勢者。近年自2011年起,政府於政策面便積極倡導及推動各地方政府建置「實(食)物銀行」的運作機制;同時,法制面也於立法委員及非營利組織的大力推動之下使得《食物給付服務專章》草案已入立院審理階段,此外,根據衛福部統計我國實(食)物銀行受助者當中,高達五成為社會福利邊緣戶,顯見實物給付的重要性逐漸提升且備受重視。 實(食)物銀行於物資發放多數均運用網絡合作單位之協調合作,將物資平台所募集的物資進行具效率及系統系的發放給予社會邊緣的弱勢者,而網絡間的協調合作亦指兩個或兩個以上的組織之間具共同目標且彼此間對於該目標達成共識,願意為此付出努力承擔責任與義務,使組織間存在著互惠且關係明確的關係之中(Mattessich & Monsey,1992)。網絡間協調合作儼然成為現今組織間普遍運行之方式,且近年我國實(食)物銀行亦採用網絡合作模式進行有效地物資配送。 因此,本研究採以深度訪談之方法,藉由訪談實物銀行主管、社工員及合作網絡單位承辦人員,以瞭解高雄市實物銀行於實物給付過程中,非營利組織之間協調合作的運作模式。本研究結果發現就實物銀行與網絡發放單位之間協調合作之影響因素、助益及困境進行分別論述,首先,影響因素而言,包含:理念一致性、溝通協調、專業程度、經驗累積與傳承、良好的合作歷史、尊重與配合等因素;接著,對於實物銀行與網絡發放單位助益,就服務面向舉凡與個案聯繫更為密切、服務面向延伸、服務增添替代性及品質提升、服務對象增加,另外,對機構本身的助益則涵蓋增進機構正面形象、志工人力增加、與其他單位關係更密切、社會救助金額減少;最後,協調合作中困境之因素,則包含:行政程序緩慢、時間無法配合、聯繫誤解、物資缺乏、系統與服務不同步、缺乏專責窗口彙整意見、工作人力不足、個案過多網絡單位無法因應等,根據本研究結果提供對於實物銀行主辦單位及承辦單位以下幾點建議,以利於未來實(食)物銀行與實物給付福利之參考:就主辦單位而言,可善加運用公部門之力量,散播實物銀行之概念及增添專責人力新血,以利實物銀行運作更為順利;就承辦單位而言,則建議從強化社會行銷之部分,使外界能一同共襄盛舉、定期召開網絡會議,有助於減低協調合作之困境與阻礙及建置意見交流之單一窗口。


The word “food bank” is derived from "St. Mary's Food Bank" in the 1960s founded by the American John Van Henzel, and Taiwan's first food bank began in 1997 by the creation of Mr. Da-De Chen. The food bank to collect surplus bread in the bakery, and then sent to the social vulnerable groups by volunteers. In recent years, since 2011, the central government actively advocate and promote the local governments to build “Food banks” operational mechanism in the policy side. At the same time, by the legislators and non-profit organizations vigorously pushing, the draft "food payment service chapter" was in the trial stage in the Legislative Yuan. In addition, according to statistics of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the welfare recipient in our food bank, up to 50% are the borderline in our social welfare. Obviously, the importance of food payment is gradually lifted and much attented. Most of the food distribution in the food bank are using cooperation unit in the internet. The platform will raise material supplies in an efficient payment system and give them to the marginalized vulnerable persons. Coordination and cooperation between networks refers to two or more organizations have the same goal, the same consensus, willing to put the effort in the responsibilities and obligations, to make mutual and clear relationship between organizations. (Mattessich & Monsey, 1992 ). Coordination and cooperation among the network has become the common rules among the organizations today, and in recent years, our food bank was also adopted bank network cooperation model for effective material distribution. Therefore, this study adopted the method by rigorous interviews to food l bank officer, the social worker and co-operation unit contractor, to understand the mode of cooperation during food payment between non-profit organizations and food bank. The results of this study are based on the affected factors between food bank and distribution unit, advantage, and predicament. First, in terms of affected factors, include the concept of consistency, communication and coordination, professional level, experience accumulation and inheritance, good experience of cooperation, respect and cooperation and other factors. Second, for the advantage between the food bank and the distribution units, much closer contact with the case, the extension of service-oriented, service add alternative and quality improvement, increase service objects. In addition, benefit for the institution itself covers a positive image promotion agencies, volunteer manpower increase, closer relationship with other units and reduce the amount of social assistance. Finally, the predicament factors in the coordination of cooperation contains: slow administrative procedures, time unable to fit, contact misunderstanding, lack of materials, systems and services are not synchronized, the lack of a dedicated window aggregated opinion, inadequate manpower, cases overloading. Based on results of this study, following recommendations was provided to the food bank sponsor and organizer, to facilitate food bank and welfare in the future. To the organizers, can make use of the resource of public sector,spread the concept of food bank and increase the dedicated manpower to facilitate the operation more smooth. To the concerned undertaker, it is recommended that strengthening of social marketing, so the outside people can join the festivities and conduct regular meetings of the network, to help reduce the difficulties and obstacles for cooperation and coordination, build an area for exchange of opinions.


Non-profit in-kind benefit coordination food bank


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