  • 學位論文


Efficiency comparison of boost and buck-boost DC-DC converters in solar power system

指導教授 : 余伍洲


本論文的目的為應用太陽能電池發電作為儲能設備之電力來源。其主要的原理是利用昇壓轉換器(Boost Converter)或降昇壓轉換器(Buck-boost Converter),將太陽能板受不同光源照度所輸出的可變電壓轉換成固定電壓輸出,進而達到各控制模組或儲能設備所需之電壓值;其硬體設施包括Arduino控制板、電壓電流檢測模組、太陽能電池模組、電子負載機、昇壓及降昇壓電路等。 本研究選用6塊太陽能板面積各為156x156 mm2,以電子負載機於定功率量測下,手動調整電子負載機增加其負載功率值,進而於模擬光源及真實光源下測得太陽能板可產生之最大功率值並記錄之,再以Arduino單片機依據電壓及電流感測器回授經由最大功率追踪(Max Power Point Tracking, MPPT)之增量電導法(Incremental Conductance Algorithm, ICA)程式計算,進行脈衝寬度調變(Pulsed width Modulation, PWM)控制後,用以吾人所製作之昇壓及降昇壓電路轉換成固定電壓輸出,並記錄回傳的數據於記憶卡模組內。 經實驗太陽能板是可有效的發電並供給下游負載正常運作,但前述兩種直流電力轉換器所得之效率均不到50%的轉換率,分別為昇壓轉換器45.93%及降昇壓轉換器47.76%;本論文將在最後討論有些未如預期實驗結果的原因,並探求未來可以改進的方向。 關鍵字:直流電力轉換器、昇壓轉換器、降昇壓轉換器、Arduino。


This paper is the application of solar cells as a power source of the energy storage device.The main principle is that the solar cells are subject to different illumination light by the variable voltage outputthrough the Boost Converter or Buck-boost Converter convert fixed voltage outputand then reaches a voltage value can control module or desired energy storage device.Its facilities include Arduino hardware control, voltage and current detection module, solar cell modules, electronic loader, Boost and Buck-boost circuit. The experimental solar cells are efficient power supply and the proper functioning of the loading, but the efficiency of the two aforementioned DC power converters that obtained less than 50%, Boost converter respectively 45.93% and 47.76% Buck-boost converter. This paper will discuss some of the final results are not expected for such reasons, and to explore possible directions for improvement in the future. Keywords:DC power converters,Boost converter, Buck-boost converter, Arduino.


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