  • 學位論文

運動志願服務者的工作熱情與主觀幸福感的關係: 多向度反芻思考的中介效果

The Relationship between Passion for Work and Subjective Well-being for Volunteers in Sport: The Mediating Effect of Multidimensional Rumination

指導教授 : 陳寬裕


隨著近年來運動志工之需求增加,且傳統運用於有償工作之心理因素研究並不適用於志願服務工作領域。因而實有必要運用無償工作的觀點,嘗試探索個體決定繼續從事志願服務工作的原因。然而,就目前知識所及,卻少有實證研究探索志願服務工作者之個人特質(熱情)、心理因素(反芻思考、主觀幸福感)等研究。故本研究嘗試探討個體對活動的熱情、多向度反芻思考與主觀幸福感間的關係,以找出是否有某種類型的熱情,更有可能觸發運動志工的主觀幸福感。此外,亦探索是否存在一些變數,在熱情和主觀幸福感的關係間扮演著中介的角色。雖然Carpentier et al. (2012)曾驗證反芻思考於熱情與幸福感間的中介效果,但該研究對反芻思考僅以單一構面衡量且認為其應為負向情緒因素。近來許多學者開始嘗試從反芻思考的多元特質探索其對正、負向情緒、生活滿意度的影響力(Fritz, 1999)。基於此,本研究立於Carpentier et al. (2012)之研究基礎,將以多向度反芻思考的觀點,重新檢視多向度反芻思考於熱情與主觀幸福感間的中介效果。經蒐集307個運動志工資料後,分析結果顯示,擁有諧和式熱情的運動志工較容易產生屬正向情緒的功能性反芻,而較不易引發負向情緒的情緒焦點反芻及意義尋找反芻,且較易感受主觀幸福感;相反的具強迫式熱情的運動志工則較易引發負向情緒的情緒焦點反芻及意義尋找反芻,而不易產生正向情緒的功能性反芻,進而導致主觀幸福感低落。故證實多向度反芻思考確實可於活動熱情與主觀幸福感間扮演著中介角色。最後,本研究根據研究結果提出若干討論與管理意涵。 關鍵詞:諧和式熱情、強迫式熱情、多向度反芻思考、運動志工、 主觀幸福感


The demand for volunteers in sport has grown in recent years. As psychological factors used in research of paid work do not apply to research of voluntary services, it is necessary to explore factors affecting an individual’s continued engagement in voluntary services with consideration of factors of unpaid work. To the best of our knowledge, empirical research on individual characteristics (passion) and psychological factors (rumination and subjective well-being) of volunteers is very rare. Hence, this study attempted to explore the relationship among individual passion for activities, multidimensional rumination, and subjective well-being to find if there is any kind of passion that can better induce subjective well-being in sports volunteers. Besides, this study also examined if the relationship between passion and subjective well-being is mediated by any variable. Carpentier et al. (2012) have empirically tested the mediating effect of rumination on the relationship between passion and well-being. However, they measured rumination as a single dimension and considered it as a negative emotional factor. In recent years, many scholars have begun to view rumination as multidimensional and investigate its influence on positive/negative emotions and life satisfaction (Fritz, 1999). Based on Carpentier et al. (2012) and also viewing rumination as multidimensional, this study examined the mediating effect of multidimensional rumination on the relationship between passion and subjective well-being. From a sample consisting of 307 sports volunteers, this study obtained the following conclusions: Sports volunteers with harmonious passion were more likely to engage in instrumental rumination and less likely to engage in emotion-focused rumination and meaning-searching rumination. They felt a sense of well-being easily. In contrast, sports volunteers with obsessive passion were more likely to engage in emotion-focused rumination and meaning-searching rumination easily and less likely to engage in instrumental rumination. As a result, they reported a lower level of subjective well-being. The empirical results confirmed that multidimensional rumination played a mediating role in the relationship between passion for activities and subjective well-being. Based on findings, this study also discussed numerous issues and managerial implications. Keywords: harmonious passion, obsessive passion, multidimensional rumination, sports volunteers, subjective well-being


