  • 學位論文


The Interaction Intention of Virtual Community Members with Enterprises - Based on the Social Contract Perspective

指導教授 : 鄭景華




With the booming development of Internet, people interact on the network more often. Especially after the appearance of virtual community, which not only brings people together to share and exchange information, but also contribute to value creation. Many companies want to utilize resources in the communities to achieve their business goals, but they found themselves unwelcome by communities. Previous studies had found this is a problem of trust. But they provided few suggestions for enterprises how to engage in network communities. In this study the social contract theory was employed to explore this issue. It proposes that business activities of enterprises must be consistent with the purpose of communities they engage in. Under this premise, an enterprise's business activities can be accepted by community members. A survey was conducted in which 310 valid samples were gathered. Empirical results indicate that an enterprise's business activities must be in accordance with the type of community they engage in, or they won't gain trust by community members. The result of analysis also shows that enterprises in communities of transaction are welcome to do both product development and product support activities, but are not welcome to do marketing activities. While enterprises in communities of interest, they are only welcome to do product development activities.


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