  • 學位論文


A study on establishing carbon inventory information systems for campus energy consumption equipment

指導教授 : 王貳瑞




To comply with the international mitigation trend of greenhouse effect, Taiwan has activated energy saving and carbon reduction in national policy and conducted it on the way. Campus plays a role of rudimentary rings in the whole energy saving and carbon reduction policy due to its function for the place of students’ learning and livings. Regarding to the most time of students’ activities in campus classroom, this study collects lighting and air conditioning facilities in the markets, classifies their functions, and then constructs a carbon inventory system. The constructed system embodies various functions such as connecting the data-based systems of market lighting and air conditioning equipment, estimating the current status of energy and carbon reduction, and analyzing the feasibility of improving alternatives. The system is workable for administrative use in management and improvement and for student learning in changing their recognition, attitude, and behavior in campus energy saving and carbon reduction through the implementation in a junior high school.


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