  • 學位論文


The Relationship Between School Bully Experience and School Life Adaptataion of Senior Vocational High School Students

指導教授 : 鄭明長


本研究旨在探討高職學生校園霸凌相關經驗與學校生活適應。研究採用問卷調查法,並以「高職學生校園霸凌相關經驗與學校生活適應調查問巻」為研究工具。以九十九學年度台灣地區公立高職為母群,分北、中、南三區分層比例抽樣方式抽取910名,有效問卷871份,問巻可用率達96%。所得資料以描述性統計、卡方考驗、 t 考驗、單因子變異數分析及皮爾遜積差相關等進行分析。研究結果如下: 一、台灣地區高職學生的校園霸凌相關經驗以非霸/受凌者佔59.6%,霸/受凌者佔19.3%,霸凌者佔13.8%及受凌者佔7.1%。 二、台灣地區高職學生的校園霸凌相關經驗與性別、學業成就有顯著差異,但與家長社經地位無顯著差異。 三、台灣地區高職學生的學校生活適應能力屬中上程度,且會因不同的學業成就與家長社經地位而有顯著差異,但與性別為顯著差異。 四、台灣地區職學生的校園霸凌相關經驗與學校生活適應有顯著的正相關存在。


The main purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between school bully experience and school life adaptation of senior vocational high students . A stratified sampling method was applied to collect data from public vocational high schools in 2011in Taiwan. 910 students were randomly selected with 871 were valid, with 96% return rate . The analysis procedures included describing statistics, chi-square, t-test, one way ANOVA, and Pearson’s product-moment correlation. The findings are as follows: 1、The school bully experience of Taiwan’s senior vocational high school students are divided into four types. Non-bullies/victims accounts for 59.6% . bullies/victims accounts for 19.3% . Bullies accounts for 13.8% . Victims accounts for 7.1% . 2、The ability of school life adaptation of Taiwan’s senior vocational high school students are middle level . There are significant distinctions on the ability of school life adaptation in different school performance and socioeconomic status, but gender is not be varied. 3、There are significant distinctions on the school bully experience in different gender, school performance, but socioeconomic status is not be varied. 4、The relationship between school bully experience and school life adaptation of Taiwan’s senior vocational high school students exists significant positive correlation. According to the result of this study, the research provides some suggestions for schools , families, society and the references of future study.


謝志龍(2005)。國中校園暴力的被害分析。犯罪與刑事司法研究,4, 83- 118。
