  • 學位論文


Characteristics of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in the ambient air of a municipal solid waste incinerator

指導教授 : 趙浩然


台灣是世界有名的塑膠、電子工業王國,因著科學與經濟之故,其生活家電與3C電子產品也越來越廣泛,為防止其著火而引發火災,溴化阻燃劑(Brominated flame retardants;BFRs)的廣泛使用,以至多溴聯苯醚(Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers; PBDEs)不分國界地迅速升高。PBDEs會對於生長發育、神經、肝臟和生殖系統等等造成影響,動物研究方面則發現具有肝毒性、胚胎毒性、甲狀腺,與動物行為的影響,近期發現焚化爐及金屬鍊製過程是PBDEs對大氣的排放源,且PBDEs可於燃燒系統中生成或無法於進料後完全摧毀。 本研究即針對都市廢棄物焚化爐之燃燒源,以K焚化廠作為研究對象,使用PS-1高量空氣採樣器,採集其周界大氣,共兩季,以解析度為10000 (10%波谷)之電子撞擊模式(EI-SIM mode)氣相層析儀(GCMS),來對各種PBDEs同構物進行分析,且PBDEs同構物分析種類多達30種,以了解該區域之多溴聯苯醚之樣本特徵,亦針對各同構物之濃度值,估計其氣、固相濃度分佈,調查結果如下:兩次採樣點濃度分別介於74.4 - 186 pg/Nm3及71.2 - 99.6 pg/Nm3,樣本中BDE-209皆為決定性的同構物,兩次濃度差異不大,但較以往偏高,K廠第一季PBDEs周界大氣在下風處之濃度較上風處為高,第二季周界大氣上、下風處採樣點其PBDEs濃度變化無明顯關係,K廠兩次起爐期間的周界大氣PBDEs濃度並無太大差異,推測可能有其他更為主要的排放源影響。 PBDEs氣、固相分佈如結果如下:BDE-209約有95%存在於固相當中,BDE-183到BDE-206 之固相比率亦高於氣相,但其濃度並不高,濃度分別佔第二高和第三高的BDE-47和BDE-99之氣、固相比率皆有超過90%為氣相之型態,氣相剖面圖中比率較高的三種同構物為BDE-47、BDE-99和BDE-209,分別佔氣相總PBDEs的29.5 %、21.0 % 和14.1 %,而固相剖面圖中以BDE-209佔決定性的比率,遠高於次高之九溴BDE-206,分別為79.8 %和5.0 %,十溴二苯醚,BDE-209,已取代了以往所常用的同構物,如BDE-47和BDE-99。 雖本研究所採樣之樣本數較少,但仍可由其風向之結果得知,BDE-209為該區域之決定性的同構物,且約有95%存在於固相當中,並由風向及其他工業區濃度與本研究之濃度的比較,推測該區域可能有其他更為主要的排放源影響。


Taiwan is a world-renowned kingdom of plastic and electronic industry. With the development of science and economy, home appliances and 3C electronic products have been widely used. In order to preventing them from catching fire and ignition brominated flame retardants are added into the products. Therefore, concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are growing rapidly in the environment. Exposure to PBDEs affects neurodevelopment, liver function and reproductive system. Several animal studies confirmed PBDEs have liver toxicity, embryo toxicity, thyroid interference, and behavior influences. Recent studies discovered waste incinerators and metal smelting process are major PBDE emission sources, and PBDEs can be generated in the combustion system. Moreover, PBDEs in the feeding materials cannot be completely destroyed. In this study, a municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI-K) was our research focus. Using PS-1 high-volume air samplers, ambient air samples were collected for a total of two quarters; an electron impact gas chromatograph was used for analysis of a variety of thirty PBDE congeners in order to understand the PBDE characteristics of the region. Based on the concentrations, were also estimated. The concentrations of two sampling sites ranged from 74.4 - 186 pg/Nm3 and 71.2 - 99.6 pg/Nm3; among the congener profiles, BDE-209 is the most dominant congener. The concentration difference which is higher than previous study is still insignificant in these two sampling sites. In the first quarter, the downwind PBDE concentrations in the ambient air of MSWI-K were higher than that of upwind side. The PBDE concentrations in thses two quarters had no significant difference. During the start-up period of MSWI-K, the PBDE concentrations in the ambient air had no viable changes, suggesting that there may be other major PBDEs emission sources. The gas/particle partitioning of PBDEs is as the following, about 95% of BDE-209 exists in particle phase. Particle bound BDE-183 to BDE-206 are higher than gaseous bound, but the total concentrations are low. However, BDE-47 and BDE-99, over 90% were found in gas phase, .hold the respective second highest and third highest concentrations. In the distribution profiles of gas phase, BDE-47, BDE-99, and BDE-209 accounted for 29.5 %, 21.0 %, and 14.1 % total gaseous bound PBDEs. In the distribution profiles of particle phase, BDE-209 (79.8%) is the dominating one and is much higher than the second highest BDE-206 (5.0 %). Although the sample size is small, we can still obtain the results from its wind direction that BDE-209 is the dominant congener in the region, and about 95% of BDE-209 exists in the particle phase, suggesting that the region there may be other, more major sources of emissions impact.


USEPA, 2010, An Exposure Assessment of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.


