  • 學位論文


The Research on the Role and Function of Social Enterprises in the Reconstruction of Community after Disaster of Typhoon Morakot: From the Theory of Social Capital

指導教授 : 王仕圖


近年來,臺灣由於地球氣候的變遷與人類人為的危害,使得天然及重大意外災害事故頻傳,且災害發生通常為無法預料。2009年的莫拉克颱風在臺灣造成嚴重的災害,經過此次災害,不禁讓人思考災後重建工作需投入大量資源,然而政府由於體制龐大,動員起來勢必無法像民間組織一樣擁有立即性,故研究者認為災後重建之工作必須結合民間社會的資源以補政府不足之處,並將在社區中發展出來的社會企業視為民間資源。本研究選擇社會資本觀點作為分析主軸,探討社會企業在莫拉克颱風災後社區重建的角色與功能,研究目的有五點:(一)分析組織的發展過程、產業發展背景與社會企業的經營現況,以作為未來相關組織轉型或是成立社會企業之參考;(二)探討促成組織成立社會企業之因素;(三)災後重建社區中社會企業運用社會資本建置其發展之角色地位;(四)探討社會企業投入重大災害後社區重建的意義;(五)透過本研究發現以提供社會企業在災後社區重建運作之建議。 本研究運用質性研究方法進行深度訪談,共計訪談八個社會企業單位、十三位工作人員。並針對上述受訪者的經驗與看法,透過社會資本觀點中的信任、網絡及規範三要素進行社會企業投入災後社區重建的角色與功能分析。 研究結果發現:(一)社會企業投入災後社區重建之思維須考量在地資源與特色;(二)社會企業透過投入災後社區重建工作展現其公益價值;(三)非營利組織在災後社區成立社會企業之因素,大致可分為:提升組織財務自主性、因應社會需求及政府政策或方案的誘導等;(四)信任、網絡及規範分別在社會企業投入莫拉克災後社區重建時扮演不同的角色與功能,如:信任關係可建立合作基礎、網絡連結可促進產業的發展、規範可維持組織對外的聲譽等;(五)社會企業經營的困難與挑戰可分為組織內部(財務、資源募集、產業運作、專業人力難以招募等)與外部環境(缺乏合法性的環境、經濟不景氣,產業難以推動、組織的正當性等)兩方面。 最後,根據研究發現的分析,分別針對社會企業組織、政府與政策以及未來相關研究提出建議,期能有助於日後社會企業投入重大災後社區重建工作之參考。


Over the recent years, natural and accidental disasters have taken place frequently in Taiwan as a result of global climatic changes and man-made hazards. Moreover, occurrence of disaster is always unforeseen. In 2009, Typhoon Morakot caused serious disaster, which pushes people to think about investment of substantial resources in post-disaster reconstruction work. However, due to bulky system, government cannot be mobilized as immediately as non-governmental organization. Therefore, the author believes that civil society resources must be integrated for post-disaster reconstruction so as to compensate for deficiencies of the government, and that social enterprise developed from community shall be regarded as important resources. With social capital viewpoint as main point of analysis, this study investigates roles and functions of social enterprise in post-Morakot community reconstruction. It has five objectives as below: (1) analyze development process of organization, background of industrial development and current operation of social enterprise in order to provide a reference for future organizational transformation or social enterprise establishment. (2) Investigate factors that promote setting up of social enterprise. (3) Discuss about how the social enterprise utilizes social capital to establish its role and position in post-disaster community reconstruction. (4) Probe into significance of social enterprise’s investment in community reconstruction after major disaster. (5) By virtue of research findings, propose suggestions for social enterprise to operate post-disaster community reconstruction. The present study uses qualitative approach to conduct in-depth interviews with eight social enterprises and thirteen staffs there. Based on these interviewees’ experiences and perspectives, it utilizes three elements of social capital viewpoint-trust, network and norm-to analyze roles and functions of social enterprise in post-disaster community reconstruction. The present study has following findings. (1) For investment in post-disaster community reconstruction, social enterprise should consider local resources and characteristics. (2) Social enterprise can show its value in public benefits through participation in post-disaster community reconstruction work. (3) Factors that promote non-profit organizations to found social enterprise in community after disaster include: increased financial autonomy, social demands, encouragement from government policy or program, and etc. (4) Trust, network and norm play different roles when social enterprise invests in post-Morakot community reconstruction. For instance, trust lays a foundation for cooperation, network connection facilitates industrial development, and norm can maintain reputation of the organization. (5) Difficulties and challenges of social enterprise operation can be classified into two aspects: intra-organization (finance, resource collection, industry operation, difficulty in professional staff acquisition, etc) and external-environment (lack of legal environment, economic downturn, difficulty in industry promoting, organizational legitimacy, etc). Finally, according to analysis of research findings, this study puts forward respective proposals in regard to social enterprise organization, the government, associated policy and future relevant researches, in hope of providing a reference for social enterprise to invest in community reconstruction work after major disaster.


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