  • 學位論文


A Study on Consumer Behavior for Packaged Rice

指導教授 : 黃文琪


因膳食習慣之改變,白米在主要糧食消費中已逐漸減少,然而市面上的包裝米品牌與型態越來越多,一方面也顯示消費者重質不重量,而各廠家企圖在區隔的市場中尋求產品的出路。因此,本研究的目的是調查消費者特性對購買動機與選擇評估之影響,進而分析包裝米的市場區隔。利用網路進行問卷發放,調查的對象為曾有過購買包裝米經驗之消費者。總共回收353份問卷,有效問卷為334份。 研究結果發現,以女性受訪者最多,年齡為30-39歲的人數最多。在消費者特性對購買動機上,以生活中的需要、購買便利及喜歡就買為主;其中以性別、年齡、職業、教育程度、家庭平均月收入、家庭人口數及居住地區在購買動機上有顯著差異。在消費者特性對購買選擇上,以是否貼有認證標章、產品包裝上之標示說明、食用的口感及含有的成分為主。其中在性別、年齡、職業、教育程度、家庭月收入及居住地區有顯著差異。購買包裝米的地點主要是在全聯福利中心。購買品項以白米為主,在用途上以自用最多。訊息的來源主要以親友介紹為主。在收到或贈送米禮盒的部分通常以旅遊的伴手禮最多,在行銷組合上期望與包裝米一起搭配的贈品中,以保鮮盒、米甕者最多。


Rice is the staple food of Taiwanese, but due to changes in dietary habits, per capita rice consumption has gradually decreasing. However brand and packing style of the packaged rice are ever increasing in the market, which mean that the form have been trying to segment the markets featured with diversifying consumer taste for quality differentials rather than the quantity of rice concerned. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate demographic features effect on purchase motivation and pre-purchase alternative evaluation purchase. And then analysis of packaged rice market segmentation. We used the internet to conduct questionnaire surveys. Respondents were with the experience of to buy packaged rice. A total of 353 questionnaires were collected; there were 334 effective responses. The results showed that female consumers were more than male consumers. Most of respondents were between 30-39 years old. Needs, convenience, and impulse buying are some importance factors of demographic features effect on purchase motivation. There are differences between gender, age, occupation, education, average monthly family income, family size, and place of residence. Whether packaged rice has certification mark, package label description, taste, and contents were some importance factors. There were differences demographic feature on purchasing options; gender, age, occupation, education, average monthly income of family, and place of residence were significant. Major purchase location of packaged rice was PXMART, major purchase patterns of packaged rice was milled and polished white rice. The using purpose was for personal use. Source of information about packaged rice was from relatives and friends. In terms of give or receipt gift box of rice, usually is gifts from tourism. Marketing combinations the preferred option was packaged rice with food containers.




