  • 學位論文


Impact Simulation and Analysis of Aircraft Seat and Occupant

指導教授 : 胡惠文


本論文研究目的為利用有限元素分析法,進行碰撞模擬分析以探討飛機座椅之安全設計。使用分析軟體ANSYS建立座椅有限元素模型。依據美國聯邦航空總署所訂定的座椅動態測試法規(14 CFR 25.562),即模擬飛機於緊急迫降時,座椅產生減速度達14 g與16 g之負載條件。飛機座椅有限元素分析模型包含:座椅主結構、座椅軟墊、乘客安全約束系統以及餐盤等附屬組件。座椅材料性質皆由材料試驗所獲得,主結構材料模組是採用Cowper-Symonds Plasticity Model,此模組可考慮應變率對於材料變形行為的影響,適用於金屬等向性材料的塑性變形分析。碰撞假人模型使用LSTC公司所提供之Hybrid III 50th Percentile Dummy。本研究使用LS-DYNA動態求解器,使用LS-PrePost前後處理軟體輸出模擬結果。觀察座椅含假人整體碰撞過程動態情形,依據座椅動態測試法規訂立之評判標準,分別探討座椅變形與損壞情形是否阻礙乘客緊急逃生路線,再輸出假人頭部傷害指數、腰椎與骨盆間軸向負載以及大腿股骨軸向負載,以判斷乘客是否安全。


The objective of this research is to investigate the design of aircraft seat and occupant safety using finite element method. A commercial code ANSYS is used to establish the finite element model, including aircraft seats and dummies. The impact analyses of 14 g and 16 g deceleration are performed to simulate the emergency landing of the aircraft based on the safety regulation of transport airplane prescribed from Federal Aviation Administration, called title 14 code of federal regulations part 25 sec. 25.562. The finite element model of aircraft seat includes the primary structures, seat cushions, occupant restraint systems, food tray table and other plastic attachments. The material properties are obtained from the tensile and compressive tests. Cowper-Symonds plasticity model is used to simulate the dynamic behavior of materials. This model considers the strain-rate effect on materials while they are subjected to impact loading. The finite element model of Hybrid III 50th Percentile Dummy, provided from Livermore Software Technology Corporation (LSTC), is adopted for the simulation. A commercial code LS-DYNA is used to solve the impact simulation. The plastic deformation of seat structure is of concern. After the impact crash, the deformation of seat can not impede the rapid evacuation of occupants. The acceleration and resultant forces of dummies are obtained from the impact simulation and are used to assess the potential injuries of occupant during the impact, such as the head injury criteria (HIC), the maximum compressive load measured between the pelvis and the lumbar column, and the axially compressive loads of dummies.


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