  • 學位論文

青苔- 臺中科技大學諮商輔導中心之空間形塑

Moss Shapine of Counseling Centers In National Taichung University of Science and Technology

指導教授 : 王伶芳


「諮商輔導中心」在大專院校裡扮演著重要角色,輔導工作目的在於,幫助學生達到身、心、靈之平衡發展,協助學生瞭解自我、解決生活、學業與生涯發展等問題,因此,以「臺中科技大學諮商輔導中心」為設計對象。 本研究目的在於:一、分析臺中科技大學諮商輔導中心各單元空間規劃現況問題,二、從臺中科技大學諮商輔導中心使用者(教職人員、學生)觀點瞭解環境設計需求要素。三、完成諮商輔導中心設計形塑。 鑒於此,本研究首先透過文獻回顧,探討諮商輔導中心的功能、定位,及相關環境設計要素;其次透過「使用者需求調查」及「基地現況調查」,瞭解教職員、學生們對於輔導空間環境之實際使用問題與未來願景。研究發現基地現況環境與學生輔導的實質意義與「青苔」逆境中生長、並讓所在環境有綠意盎然之象有異曲同工之妙,故以青苔作為本設計研究案之設計概念。 研究發現,臺中科技大學諮商輔導中心,各單元空間如個別諮商室及團體諮商室有間數不足的現象,無法滿足學生之使用;在空間內容方面也缺乏多元服務區、接待區、等候區……等。在使用者問卷調查方面,學生尋求諮商輔導中心協助之意願不高,36名樣本數裡並無人尋求協助過(0%),但期望未來輔導空間能有輕鬆、溫馨的氛圍。 綜合以上問題,本研究應用輔導空間規劃要素與青苔特質予以轉化應用於整體環境設計。在「建築外觀」設計:將大小不一、規則不定之窗型附生於牆體,暗喻青苔蔓延生長,學生逐漸將心理壓力釋放之意象;「多元服務區」設計:主要依據教育部學生輔導網提及諮商輔導中心至少需一間多元服務區爲基準,利用閒置通道增設多元服務區,提供圖書閱覽、休憩之作用,營造輕鬆溫馨的氛圍,供學生平日使用,拉近與輔導空間的心理距離;在「諮商輔導組辦公室」規劃方面,因問卷調查結果提及良好及穿透性高之入口意象能提高使用意願,故以大面落地玻璃爲隔間,將入口接待休息區之輕鬆感自然映射於外觀意象上,避免ㄧ般辦公室的嚴肅感,並將造型光帶運用於走道、天花板上帶出青苔生長於縫隙中的特質;「個別諮商室」則脫離ㄧ般設置於教室或辦公空間內的形式,以獨立小屋方式與公共休憩空間整合設計。針對未來相關輔導空間設計規劃上,本研究提出下列三點建議:一、如建築條件許可下,應設置獨立使用之出入口、樓梯,二、樓梯、走道、出入口等公共區域應採穿透性高之設計,三、個別諮商室應與公共區域整合設計並設置等候區。


Counseling Centers plays a important role in university in Taiwan .The objective of counseling is helping student to goal the balance of body, mind and spirit. Helping student self-expolation and solve the problem of life, study and career. In recent years, the Ministry of Education determine to make "friendly campus" to make psycholog-healthy and friendly campus. The goal of this study are those below. First take the space planning of counseling center in NTSC as target to know the problem. Second, knowing the requirement of counseling center from the user of counseling center in NTSC. Finally, to find a model of counseling center. To acheive the objective that inspecting the space planning of each parts of counseling center and inspecting the furter requirement of room planning in counseling center. First,we inspect the function and environmental impact of counseling center from literature review.Second,inspecting the room planning of each parts of counseling center from field study. ”Moss” live in the hard environment, but it take the hard environment as its nutrient and make the area full of life. From the field investigation, the counseling center in NTSC has the problem of leak of the space of counseling room. It leak of the waiting area, reception area. From the study of student questionnaire. Student does not want to come to have counseling. It is ZERO out to 36, but they want the counseling center have the atmosphere of warm and fun. Take all condition, the building is cold and make people feel Sense of estrangement. Student’s willing to use counseling center is less. In the part of exterior, I combined he first floor which is belong to student activity center and the second floor which belong to counseling center. I make the exterior look like the moss bloom by using the windows in different size and different location. By using Soild brick and hollow brick, the effect of shadow and light change make the stair to second floor look different. To attract more student to this area,I change the room of first floor to semi-open room and set Multi-service area to let student navigate and rest. The office of counseling center was too covert that student may not want to come in, so I design the entrance with high-transparent. People may see through the office so that they willing to come is higher.I also let individual counseling room separate to the main area, existing in the form of separate room. In the part of future counseling space planning, I list 3 suggestion. First, it should have separate entrance and stair. Second, the public area like stairs, hallway and entrance should be designed high- penetrationly Finally, individual counseling room and public area should be combined and setting waiting area.


Space planning counseling center questionnare design


許嘉芳(2010),《大專校院諮商輔導中心之空間規劃研究 -以北一區大專校院為例》,中原大學,室內設計研究所。
陳瑞鴻(2012) ,《疏離的同類― 從都會視覺形象談到現代人疏離感的創作提問》,國立臺灣師範大學,美術學系。
