  • 學位論文


Animation Industry Analysis and Research of Adaption from Picture Books to Animations and Investigation of Related Techniques

指導教授 : 陳賢錫


現今臺灣動畫在製作動畫作品中,雖有長片原創動畫製作,但成果卻不盡理想。而本研究從國外動畫公司讓動畫影片成功打入市場的經驗中,發現這些製作團隊在打造原創動畫前,都有著許多原作改編動畫作品的經驗,而且影片長度也以短時間為主。相較之下,臺灣卻急於發展長片原創動畫,以至於成果難以如預期中發展。因此,為讓臺灣動畫能在未來達到與市場上的動畫的水準,故提出以原作改編動畫發展的方式做為建議。關於改編經驗,透過分析市場上已有的改編動畫作品,比較出原作與改編之間的變化,把可能遇到的困難以及如何跨越改編可能面臨的障礙列出。讓臺灣動畫從改編過程中,一方面提升技術,一方面又能從改寫劇本當中,訓練出原創劇本的寫作方式。 另外,本研究還有與敦煌書局合作三部動畫廣告之產學案件。由於著重於前期製作部分,在製作過程中,可擁有與客戶溝通、文字腳本改寫成分鏡腳本、角色設計、場景設計...等練習的機會。其能使掌握動畫製作時間的經驗、腳本編寫技術提升。最後,彙整上述內容,提供後人參考,以減少後期製作的突發狀況。


In the past, although Taiwan creators produced the original animations that are feature-length animated movies, the results are not satisfactory. In the research, the successful experiences which foreign animated companies made an animation film into the market were found a similar thing. Before the team of animated production created the original animation, have many skills of adapting the work which is written or drew by the author. Their early animated works almost are short animations while Taiwan animators are eager to produce feature-length animated films. Thus the results, which they want are hard to develop. Therefore, In order to let Taiwan animation industry have the same level of popular animation and using the way of adapting works. The study analyzes the adapting animated works in the previous experience as well as comparing the difference of original works and adapting animation. In addition to listing the matter that makes adapting animation would confront with the problem, avoiding the barrier don’t uncross. If Taiwan animators produce the adapting works in process, they will not only upgrade animated technology but also get writing method which rewrote the original script in adapting process. Moreover, the research also has three animation advertisements in cooperation with the cave bookstore. These works focus on the pre-production so that storyboard artist has chances which are clients of communication, rewriting text scripts to storyboards, character design, and scene design to practice in the production process. It can accumulate experience, such as time of making animation and skill of writing scripts. Finally, people can reference document processing and reduce their post-production occurrence of sudden situations in doing animation.


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