  • 學位論文


The Creation of Customized Personal Pictures

指導教授 : 卓聖格


近年來,客製化的概念逐漸流行,企業的競爭逐漸脫離以往的大眾行 銷模式,轉而向客製化概念邁進,其受到企業及消費者喜好的原因,不外 乎其為顧客量身打造、獨一無二且專屬於顧客的貼心服務。客製化重視每 位顧客的獨特性,也注意到每位顧客的差異性,並且尊重顧客的意見,顧 客就是老闆,這種「以客為尊」為顧客量身打造的新形態行銷模式,受到 消費者熱烈歡迎,許多企業也順應這股潮流,紛紛走向客製化的行銷概念。 客製化概念的運用範圍非常廣闊,包括各種產品及服務都能使用客製 化的概念,舉凡生活用品、家具、手機,甚至是交通工具等都可以客製化, 所涉足領域極廣。在設計市場上,也不乏客製化的商品,其中最廣為人知 的可說是客製化的人物圖像創作。本創作主要將客製化的概念融入人物圖 像繪畫創作中,結合圖像學理論,運用手繪以及電腦繪圖軟體的創作方式, 為顧客繪製客製化人物圖像。除了著重顧客之面貌、服飾、身形等外在特 徵外,也加入其個性、職業、個人興趣愛好、夢想、社會形像觀感等,為 顧客量身打造出獨一無二的客製化人物圖像。此圖像並可進一步結合設計 創意,開發出深具個人風格之紀念品等,有廣大的再應用空間。 本創作報告主要分成三部分,第一部分為創作計畫與相關理論探討, 說明本創作之創作策略、表現技法與創作過程,以及相關理論探討,分為 II 客製化、圖像學與漫畫之文獻,深入了解客製化的重要性、圖像學概念、 潘諾夫斯基的圖像三層次意義,以及漫畫的誇張變形手法;第二部分創作 作品與作品解說,為本創作之客製畫人物圖像作品,共有29 件作品,分成 素人篇及公眾篇兩大類,及客製化人物圖像創作作品解說;第三部分結論 與檢討,為本創作之結論、創作心得與檢討。 客製化人物圖像之商品將會越來越流行,本創作加入圖像學的客製化 人物圖像創作,使創作之作品更有深度、內涵,也更能帶給顧客不同以往 的驚艷與感動,未來,將考慮成立工作室,架設網站,把創作中所學,實 際運用於生活中,並開發成商品,發揮客製化服務的精神,以及讓更多人 了解客製化人物圖像的魅力及趣味性。


客製化 圖像學 漫畫 人物圖像


Since the last few years, the concept of customization has become popular. The competition among industries has gradually left behind the old-fashioned mass-marketing pattern and moved on to customization. The reason why it is widely accepted by industries and consumers is that it’s made uniquely for every individual customer; it looks out for customers’ differences, and it values customers’ opinions. Customers are the boss. The new marketing pattern of “consumer-orientation” which is meant for every individual customer is overwhelmingly welcomed by customers. Many industries has gone with the flow and adopted the concept to their marketing strategies. Customization can be widely applied; it includes all kinds of products and services, such as daily utensils, furniture, cell phones, and even transportation. In the market of design, there are also customized merchandise. The most known is the creation of customized personal pictures. The creation is to adopt the personal picture into customization. Besides emphasizing customer' s external conditions, such as faces, outfits, and bodies; it puts in the personalities, occupations, hobbies, dreams, and social images. And it thus creates the one-of-a-kind customized personal picture. The picture can further combine itself with creativity of design IV and develop its personalized things, such as souvenirs. There is so much more that can be further applied into. This report of the creation can be divided into three parts. The first part is the discussion of creating plans and related theories, which illustrates the creating strategy, displaying skills, and the process of creation. It also discusses the related theories, such as customization, the documents of Iconography and comics, in order to deeply understand the importance of customization, the concept of Iconography, and meanings of Panofsky' s theory of Iconography, as well as the skills of exaggerating expressions in comics. The second part is the explanation of works. It includes 29 pieces of work of customized personal pictures, which are divided into two categories ─ ordinary people and famous people. It also contains the explanation of customized personal pictures. The third part is the conclusion and review. Customized personal pictures and its products will be more and more popular. This creation can bring its depth and intension into its work which, unlike before, will astonish and touch the customers. In the future, the set-up of studios, websites can also be taken into consideration. We can actually apply what we have leaned during creation into daily lives and develop it into products. We can bring the spirit of customization into full play and let more people understand the charm and fun of customized personal pictures.


Customization Iconography comic Personal picture


1. 王秀雄,2000,<藝術的相對論-作品解釋與價值判斷的新視界>,《視
5. 吳振岳,2001,<試析潘諾夫斯基之圖像學方法及其在藝術鑑賞之功能
12. B. Joseph Pine Ⅱ & James H. Gilmore 著 夏業良、魯煒譯,2008,《體驗
經濟時代(The Experience Economy:work is theatre & every business a



