  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relationship between Visual Attraction, Perceived enjoyment, perceived value, Centrality of Visual Product Aesthetics using Cartoon Image to crossover promote.

指導教授 : 陳秀芬


行銷手法日趨多樣,近年來各式產業皆紛紛採用卡通圖像聯名行銷的方式來為自己的產品做行銷。因此,本研究針對運用卡通圖像做聯名行銷的化妝品為研究主題,探討該商品的視覺吸引力、消費者的感知享受、感知價值與產品視覺美感中心性之間的關係性。研究方法以女性消費者為研究對象並採用便利性抽樣方式,以問卷調查法進行資料收集,共計發出 320 份,回收 282 份有效問卷回收率 88%;並以迴歸分析、路徑分析、階層式回歸分析、單因子變異數分析等方式進行問卷分析。 研究結果顯示:在視覺吸引力、感知享受、感知價值三者的關係上,皆具有顯著性的相關,並且感知享受完全中介視覺吸引力與感知價值。若進一步分析則發現視覺吸引力對感知享受具有顯著性的影響,並藉由階層式回歸分析後,產品視覺美感中心性對視覺吸引力與感知享受中,對購買卡通圖像聯名行銷化妝品的消費者而言不具干擾效果,因此本研究認為化妝產品類相關商品目前應不需著墨於消費者的產品視覺美感中心性上,而是應該要加強於產品的視覺吸引力以提高消費者從產品中所獲得的感知享受,促進消費者提升對產品的感知價值上的認知。


The business marketing has become more diversified in recent years. Many industries have adopted cartoon icons for joint marketing to promote their products. The theme of the research is to study these cartoon icon joint marketing cosmetics, as well as to explore the relationship of visual appeal of the product, consumers’ perceptions of enjoyment, perceived value and centrality of visual product aesthetics. The target object of the study is female consumers, using convenient sampling and survey method to collect data. A total of 320 copies of questionnaires were distributed, and among them 282 were valid,with 88% recovery rate. The questionnaires were analyzed by Regression Analysis, Path Analysis, Hierarchical Regression Analysis and Single Factor Analysis. The results showed that there was a significant correlation among visual appeal, perceptions of enjoyment and perceived value, and the perceptions of enjoyment was a complete mediator over visual appeal and perceived value. After further study, it was found that visual appeal had a significant effect on perceptions of enjoyment, and through Hierarchical Regression Analysis, centrality of visual product aesthetics in visual appeal and perceptions of enjoyment did not have any interference affect on consumers who purchased cartoon icon joint marketing cosmetics. Therefore, the study suggests that cosmetic related products have no needs to emphasize on consumers centrality of visual product aesthetics at this stage, but rather should strengthen and improve the visual appeal of the products to elevate consumers perceive enjoyment, and raise awareness of the perceived value of the products.


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張建成、袁國華(2009)。產品造型吸引力眼球追蹤研究。工業設計 37(1),10-15。
