  • 學位論文


A Relational Study on Police’s Job Stress and Family Relationship-A Case Study of Kaohsiung City Police Department

指導教授 : 林皆興


本研究以高雄市政府警察局所屬員警為研究對象,研究方法為質性訪談調查法,透過文獻探討、政府相關單位及警政機關公布的數據資料等方法蒐集資料,在進行訪談前,以尊重受訪者的配合意願為優先,先以電話或其他聯絡方式確認意願,確認後再以E-mail 寄出訪談內容予預定受訪者,最後將訪談表彙整,作為本研究論述之依據。 本研究發現如下: 一、未婚者、服務年資較淺或年齡較低之警察人員,家庭關係對工作壓力較無影響。 二、已婚者、服務年資較久或年齡較高之警察人員,家庭關係對工作壓力較有影響。 三、已婚女警比男警更容易感受到家庭關係與工作壓力之影響。 四、外勤員警較內勤員警更容易感受到家庭關係與工作壓力之影響。 本研究建議如下: 一、兼顧女警家庭照顧及工作勤務間之平衡,以提升家庭幸福感及工作效能。 二、規劃妥適合理,且符合人性需求的勤務制度。 三、地方警察機關經費統一由中央主管警察機關編列預算支應,以提振員警工作士氣,減少關說。 四、落實重視員警個人休閒生活,以緩解工作壓力。 五、與托嬰中心訂定合作契約,讓女警上班無後顧之憂。 六、訂定合理績效考核制度,降低員警工作壓力。


This study is based on the police officers at police agencies & subordinate branches in Kaohsiung City Police Department. The research method of this study is qualitative interviewing method. The study will according to the important governmental documents and data Second, the selected interviewer, the willingness and the rights of interviewers will be check and protect. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1.The unmarried, lower serving years and the lower ages of officers has less influence from working pressures. 2.The married, longer serving years and higher ages officers has more influence under working pressures. 3.The married female officers are relative easy affected by the influence of working pressures and family relations. 4.Field officers are relative easy affected by the influence of working pressures and family relations. The main suggestions of this study were as follows: 1.The family happiness and working efficacy of female officers will be rise by maintaining the well balance between the family care and working services. 2.In order to provide a better service quality, a more humanity and well planned working systems must be created for the police officers. 3.In order to assist the officers in the front, and reduce less unnecessary red tapes, the local policy agency’s funding should plan and review by the central policy agency. 4.Respecting the officers private time can truly reduce the working pressures. 5.Assisting the officers who has children, by creating a better babysitting environments or conditions. 6.Creating an Examination System which is reasonable, transparence and humanity, will helping the officers to reduce working pressures and tensions.


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