  • 學位論文


Study on Improving Service Quality of R.O.C.e-Gate-Take Kaohsiung International Airport as Example

指導教授 : 蕭宏金 葉上葆


我國各機場、港口之國境查驗線自2012年1月1日起啟用「入出國自動查驗通關系統(e-Gate)」(以下簡稱「自動通關」)以來已逾4年。雖該系統之設置使辨識護照持有者之準確度提升,強化國境安全,然在現行使用上之規劃、設計、流程、公平等面向,仍有進步空間存在。 現代科技技術日新月異,我國國門也必須與時俱進,就自動通關而言,結合未來科學技術發展使之更具辨識能力與通關效率,也是確保國境安全與提升我國形象的門路之一。 作者就自身服務於內政部移民署高雄機場國境事務隊,每日面對各地旅客並排除其使用自動通關之疑難雜症,長期親身接觸研究對象,遂以訂此研究題目,就有形性、可靠性、反應性、保證性、關懷性等構面提出自動通關之具體存在問題與改善空間。 本研究建議共七點,詳如下: 一、下一代自動通關建議以晶片護照直接通關方式。 二、加強臉部指紋特徵辨識能力。 三、加強非正常通關情況下之通關速度。 四、增加檯數。 五、改善自動通關註冊品質。 六、提升安全措施。 七、協助提供特殊旅客族群之規劃。 本研究可作為自動通關升級提供相關建議,冀能作為提升國家競爭力之助益。


Since January 1st, 2012, the e-Gate system has been launched in all international airports and ports in our country for more than 4 years. Although the establishment of the system raises the accuracy of passport holder’s recognition and reinforces the border security, there is still room for improvement in the aspects of its plan, design, procedure and fairness. Modern technologies develop rapidly so that our border security shall keep up with the times as well. As far as e-Gate is concerned, combining future technology and efficiency of custom clearance is a way to assure border security and to promote our country’s image. The author, one staff of Kaohsiung Airport Border Affairs Brigade, Border Affairs Corps., N.I.A., encounters passengers with e-Gate problems every day and helps them to remove the problems. By contacting the research objects for a long time, the research is aimed to discuss and find solutions for problems of the e-Gate from aspects of its tangibility, reliability, reaction, guarantee and attentiveness. The research offers seven suggestions as follows: 1. Utilizing electronic passports to pass e-Gate directly. 2. Enhancing facial and fingerprint recognition ability. 3. Enhancing clearance speed in abnormal clearance condition. 4. Increasing quantity of e-Gate machines. 5. Improving quality of e-Gate registration. 6. Elevating safety measures. 7. Planning to provide assistance to special passenger groups. It is hoped the suggestions to upgrade the e-Gate system would be helpful to elevate the competitiveness of our country.


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