  • 學位論文


Nursing Aide Training Course: Discussion on Training Effectiveness and Employability-Using Kaohsiung City as an Example

指導教授 : 吳有龍
共同指導教授 : 陳岳陽(Yue-Yang Chen)


台灣人口老化日趨嚴重,且因家庭結構的改變,伴隨者照護問題接踵而來,更彰顯出「照顧服務員」的重要性與需求性將與日俱增。專業的照顧技能可藉由「照顧服務員課程」來培訓,但如何透過課程培訓出專業且願意在長期照護產業繼續服務優質的服務員留住,不僅是在技能上,且需對工作內容及其應具備的條件、特質和有關工作倫理守則與法規都要有認知。此外,要養成為一位術德兼備的照顧服務員,都需要從最基本之培訓開始,故「照顧服務員課程」訓練更顯非常重要。 本研究旨在探討對於接受「照顧服務員課程」訓練之參訓者,「個人背景變項」、「訓練成效」與「就業力」現況。並分析不同「個人背景變項」對於「訓練成效」及「就業力」上的差異狀況,及探討受參訓者「訓練成效」與「就業力」之相關性。 本研究以100-105年參與高雄市委託辦理「照顧服務員課程」訓練之參訓者做為研究樣本。採立意問卷調查法暨結構式問卷進行調查收集資料。本問卷共回收297 份有效問卷,所得資料經SPSS為工具作為統計進行分析。 本研究結果發現:「個人背景變項」對「訓練成效」有顯著影響;「個人背景變項」對「就業力」有顯著影響;「訓練成效」對「就業力」亦具顯著影響。建議政府相關單位對於照顧服務員訓練,能多增加實務技能,並改變相關訓練方式,給予更多的投入,進而改善照護產業市場嚴重缺工現象,最後本研究根據研究結果提出結論與建議,以供辦訓單位及政府相關單位參考。


Taiwan’s aging demographic is increasing at an alarming rate. Due to change in family structure, the issue on caregiving has never been more relevant, highlighting the importance and demand for professional nursing aides as time goes by. Thus, nursing aide training courses can nurture the skills needed to become a professional nursing aide. Through this course, not only can professional individuals be cultivated, they will be more willing to pursue a long-term career in the caregiving industry while maintaining high quality services. Furtermore, the applicant will also have first-hand knowledge of the job specifics and possess the necessary skills and qualities, while understanding the code of ethics and law and regulations. In addition, to nurture a skillful and ready nursing aide, they must start at the fundamental training, which exemplifies the importance of the nursing aide training course. The purpose of this research is to look into the acceptance of individuals who had undergone nursing aide training as well as the topic on personal background changes, training effectiveness, and employability. We will analyze the different personal background changes, understand the differences between training effectiveness and employability, and inquire into the correlation between a recruit’s training effectiveness and employability. This research samples information from individuals who had participated in the Kaohsiung City government-authorized nursing aide training course from 2011 to 2016. Structured questionaires had been produced in order to conduct surveys, research and collect information. We had collected a total of 297 valid questionaire replies, and all information had been analyzed by the SPSS tool for statistical analysis. The result of this research shows the following: a person’s personal background change has a clear influence on their training effectiveness; a personal background change also has a clear influence on employability. In regards to nursing aide training, we advise the government staffs to increase practical skills training and change previous training methods in order to provide a better investment and to improve the situation on the shortage of staff in the care industry. Finally, according to the results of our research, we provide our conclusion and advice for the training units and government staff’s reference.


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吳瓊治. (2006). 訓練成效的評鑑. 品質月刊, 42(10), 44-48。
陳姿伶, 蔣憲國, & 劉伊霖. (2012). 運用 Kirkpatrick 四層次模式推行公部門訓練成效評估之研究. 農業推廣學報, (29), 24-44。
照顧服務員工作價值觀與工作滿意關係之研究-以高雄市為例. 2013。
