  • 學位論文

候車亭溫熱環境舒適度之研究 -以台中市公車候車亭為例

Thermal Comfortable Environment of Bus Shelters–An Example for Bus Shelters in Taichung

指導教授 : 郭柏巖


台灣都市發展快速造成交通擁擠問題,政府逐步推動大眾運輸系統進行改善。台中市仰賴公車系統,並且於民國103 年採用公車捷運系統(BRT),但因路權、號誌、系統出現瑕疵,因此現已改為優化公車系統。 由於民眾候車時間長短不一,因此候車亭中物理環境品質便相當重要,雖然候車亭在造型上有其特殊設計,但是候車亭周圍沒有適當遮陽及擋風,夏季時民眾感到極度悶熱,冬季時卻又深感寒風刺骨,使民眾出現不少怨言。本研究以台中市七個候車亭為研究對象,藉由實地測量與乘客問卷調查候車亭溫熱物理環境,並且深入了解民眾候車時之感受,以尋求理想的候車亭設計及改善方式。 目前台中市候車亭研究得出,夏季時沒有完善的遮陽作用,冬季時尚未達到有效地調節溫度,夏冬兩季候車亭內的溫度都是隨著陽光角度照射而起伏,如果候車亭上車處朝東向或西向,容易造成內部產生高溫,而且候車亭內SVF 間接地影響了候車亭內的溫度,所以候車亭遮陽設計應該適度的增加。目前候車民眾感受上,夏季時候車亭雖然無法阻擋熱風進入,但是此狀況可以被接受,而且期望改善遮陽效能;冬季時則無法阻擋冷風進入候車亭內,期望給予改善。而民眾所期望的優質舒適候車亭,夏季時應該要有足夠遮頂面積而且遮陽效果佳,冬季時則要有足夠圍蔽空間而且擋風效果佳的兩項條件。 研究結果測繪候車亭舒適度範圍,優化候車亭尚未達到定義80%舒適標準,市區候車亭舒適度範圍於SET*13.1℃~25.9℃,而台中市候車亭舒適溫度範圍於SET*18.7℃~27.4℃。建議未來候車亭設計不應該以同一套標準樣式在不同環境下設置,而是應該考慮當地氣候、太陽高度角、候車亭坐落方位、周圍環境的遮蔽性。如果要改善目前民眾候車感受,市區候車亭可在候車亭上車處增設一面可以橫向推拉寬度約站體長三分之一的水平百葉格柵;優化候車亭可在候車亭頂部玻璃黏貼隔熱紙,再將屋頂玻璃外部增設水平外百葉片,就可達到遮陽效果,並且以提升民眾候車時的舒適品質。


候車亭 戶外熱環境 熱舒適 MRT SET*


The rapid urbanization in Taiwan leads to traffic congestion. The government has sought to address the issue by gradual construction and expansion of the public mass transportation systems. Taichung City has relied on the bus system and adopted the bus rapid transit (BRT) system in 2014, but the issues with the rights of the way, traffic signals and the system defect problems continue to plague the system. Hence, the BRT system has been changed into an optimized bus lane system. The transit users are subject to different waiting times at the stops. The conditions of the physical environment in the bus shelters are therefore an important topic of interest. Currently, the bus shelters are available in different styles of design, but the absence of appropriate sunshades and wind screens at the bus shelters is a major disadvantage. The transit users are exposed to the heat in summer and to wind chill in winter, causing a lot of complaints. This study examines seven bus shelters in Taichung City. With on-site measurements and questionnaires for the passengers, the study explores the physical environment of the bus shelter and the experiences of transit users, thereby looking for the ideal solutions for design and improvement of bus shelters. The study of the bus shelters in Taichung City concludes that the current shelters lack the features to provide shade from the summer sun and to implement effective temperature control in winter. The temperature in the bus shelters rises and falls depending on the angle of the sun exposure. High temperature inside the bus shelters can be generated when the passenger boarding deck faces east or west. Furthermore, the SVF in the shelter indirectly affects the temperature inside the shelter. Hence, the shading devices should be increased accordingly. In the opinion of the transit users, although the shelters do not block the entry of the hot air in summer, the situation is currently acceptable. The transit users hope that the bus shelters can be improved with the provision of better shading in summer and wind blocking in winter. It is hoped that an excellent and comfortable bus shelter should be able to provide a top structure which serves as an effective sun shade during summer and sufficient enclosed space that effectively blocks the wind during winter. The varying levels of comfort in the bus shelter are plotted based on the results of the study. Bus shelters in the optimized bus lane system are still yet to reach the defined 80% comfort level. The comfort level in the bus shelters of the city ranges from SET*13.1°C to 25.9°C. The range of the comfortable temperature in the bus shelters of Taichung City is SET*18.7°C to 27.4°C. It is recommended that the shelters under varying environmental conditions should not adopt a universal standard design. Different designs should be applied in consideration of the local weather, solar altitude, orientation of the bus shelter, and shielding measures in the surrounding environment. The following measures can be taken to increase the level of comfort for the transit users at this stage. The first one is to install a venetian door that can be horizontally pushed to cover one-third of the bus shelter’s length at the passengers’boarding deck in the bus shelter. For the optimized bus shelters, heat insulation sheets can be plastered to the glass on top of the bus shelters with the addition of venetian blinds installed outside of the glass roof, which act as a sun shade and enhance the comfort level in the bus shelter.


bus shelter outdoor hot environment, thermal comfort MRT SET*


9.黃淑靜,2012,不同遮陰形式下戶外空間溫熱環境舒適之研究-以公車候車亭為例, 朝陽科技大學建築及都市設計研究所碩士論文,台中。
2.ASHRAE,2004,ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55-2004 Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy。
3.ASHRAE,2010,ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55-2010 Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy。
