  • 學位論文


Exploring the Mobile Game In-App Purchase Intention of Colleagues in Military

指導教授 : 陳文國


隨著資訊科技發展越來越快速,無線網路與行動網路也越來越普及,智慧型手機也幾乎人手一機,因此也讓行動商務開始蓬勃發展起來。現在行動商務開始提供各式各樣的服務,如社群使用、溝通媒體、各式資訊化行動服務等,漸漸成為現代人不可或缺的資訊搜尋與溝通的載具。因此,國防部在資訊安全的防護與國軍同袍的資訊需求上取得平衡,允許國軍弟兄在休憩時間於寢室內使用。而從使用行為觀察,軍職同袍除了社群與溝通媒體使用度最高外,行動遊戲也是使用度最高的一項服務。 本研究針對國軍同袍探討行動遊戲內購買之行為研究。本研究採用價值觀點,再輔以遠距臨場感與社會臨場感兩項前因,探討軍職同袍行動遊戲內購買之行為。研究以紙本問卷發放回收,共取得197份有效樣本,透過結構方程模式分析法(SEM)了解各項變因對國軍同袍行動遊戲內購買意圖之影響。研究結果顯示,功利價值會影響遊戲內購買意圖,但享樂價值不會。遠距臨場感會影響功利價值,但不會影響享樂價值。而社會臨場感則同時會影響享樂價值與功利價值。這些研究結果,可提供後續遊戲業者針對軍職人員所玩行動遊戲的開發參考。


As information technology flourishes, wireless and mobile network prevail, each person has his or her own smart devices. Consequently, mobile commerce begins develop rapidly and therefore provides some kinds of mobile services such as community and communication media, which nowadays gradually become indispensable media for information searching and communicating. As a result, concerning about accident prevention of information security and information demands of people in military, Ministry of National Defense permitted colleagues use smart devices in restrooms during break-time. Observing smart devices using behavior of the colleagues in military, besides community and communication media, mobile game is one of the most enjoyed services. The purpose of this study is to analyze in-app purchase of colleagues in military based on their motivation with telepresence and social presence. We retrieved a total of 197 valid samples by questionnaires and evaluated the effect of each variable factor on the mobile game in-app purchase intention by using SEM. The results showed that utilitarian value affected intention of mobile in-app purchase while hedonic value did not. Moreover, social presence simultaneously enhanced both utilitarian value and hedonic value. However, telepresence only enhanced utilitarian value. These findings could provide following game developers a reference to develop for mobile games for people in military.


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