  • 學位論文


A study of C.P.C. gas station visual identity

指導教授 : 王桂沰


摘要 本創作以台灣石化業之龍頭「台灣中油股份有限公司」加油站的形象更新主題,台灣早期以製造業為全國之工商業界基礎,當時企業識別規劃制度並未獲得相關產業之重視,一切以製造為基礎,強化企業形象進而行銷販售之觀念並未普及。台灣中油股份有限公司(前:中國石油股份有限公司)於西元1987年首度將企業識別系統觀念引進該公司,並全面實施迄今已近25年。由於時代變遷,商業行為改變及相關法令之修改,導致當時之設計已不符合時代的需求,因此有本更新案的設計緣起。 全文創作除收集相關理論、文獻佐證外,並實施實地觀察及深度訪談,再依此作為創作之基礎進行設計,設計項目包括: 企業識別基本系統設計:包含企業商標之設計、標準字之設計、標準圖型之設計、企業標準色彩之規劃等……。 加油站應用系統設計 :包含一般事務用品之設計、公務車輛之設計、加油站外觀之設計、人員制服之設計、贈品之設計等……。 本創作啟於對企業的形象稽核,找出有利於企業理想形象的策略,進而做出有效的形象規劃設計,以增加企業對外的行銷及商業競爭能力,加深消費者對企業的認知及肯定,提升進軍國際市場的能力。


ABSTRACT This article is addressing on the Gas station’s image evaluation of Taiwan CPC Corporation, the leading petrochemical industry of Taiwan. Taiwan''s early foundation of business and industry was based on manufacturing, most companies were not unaware of the importance of corporate identity system; all the intentions were focused on product manufacturing. The concept of by improving the corporate image could strengthen the marketing did not be noticed by general public. The concept of corporate identity was first introduced into CPC Corporation Taiwan (was known formerly: CHINESE PETROLEUM CORP.) in 1987, and the full implementation has been nearly 25 years. In this moment, as the business practice behaves and relevant laws are various with past, the original design of corporate identity system was no longer meet the requirement of the date; therefore it is necessary to upgrade the corporate identity system of company. All the content of this paper includes relevant papers and documentations, it also combines with field observations and many depth interviews to establish the basic concept of corporate identity system design. This design project includes: Corporate identity basic design system: corporate logo, logotype, graphics design, color scheme, etc. Gas station application system design: stationery, transportation, exterior feature of gas stations, uniforms, gifts, etc. Inspired by corporate image audit this paper is trying to conduct the better strategy on evaluating the business image, thus, it makes the image strategy and design much effective to increase the company''s marketing and business competitiveness. It also enhances the consumer recognition and loyalty of the enterprise and the ability to enter the international market.


1. CR&LF研究所 配色王,台北: 博碩文化,民國95年。
2. ISO 9001企業品質手冊TC05TD,2006。
3. 中國石油企業識別手冊,1996,P2。
