  • 學位論文


Study of Architectural Design Management of the School Buildings

指導教授 : 吳獻堂


國內在學校工程競圖中,建築規劃設計加入了許多當地文化特色與學習角空間,使建築更為活潑與多樣性,然而公共工程在訂定設計期程其標準均較為一致性,建築師在既定的時程,須在設計階段各個環節都要做好時程掌控,才能達到設計品質目標。 本研究以公共工程學校工程個案案例,建築師事務所實際執行的作業流程,至施工中所發生變更設計問題,同時參考專案負責人對於設計專案管理過程中,整理出事務所從業主使用需求、設計審查、建造執照送審階段,根據品質管理PDCA模式做為本研究架構。針對設計作業管理特性,對學校建築設計之個案管理的研究訪談,了解到建築師事務所在個案作業管理循環模式中,由計劃階段影響目標達成之不確定因素,專案執行階段影響進度執行的干擾因素,專案檢核階段執行模式,到改善階段溝通、知識移轉、回饋機制模式。由品質管理分析出各階段造成設計作業管理缺口,得以提供參考,期能減少設計作業處理時程,達到設計品質管理的目標。


In Taiwan, in order to win the school design competition, the architect tends to introduce a lot of local, cultural characters and learning spaces into the design to increase the magnitude and multi-dimensions of spiritual of the design submittal. However, the school design work under the administration of public agents has a very restricted working timeframe no matter how heavy design workload the design architect is facing to. Therefore, the architect needs to carefully control the schedule of design work to reach the design quality at all design aspects and, throughout, all design phases. This research was initiated on the case studies of the construction projects of school in Taiwan, and covered the area from the architect’s working process to the design change order requested by the owner during the construction. This thesis also studied the finding of owner’s need, the design approval by the owner, and the building clearance by the agent. Based on the PDCA model and focused on the nature of design management, thru the case studies and detailed interviews, the author realized the uncertainties to reach the design goal during the design process, and the disturbances to cause the schedule off-track. In order to reduce the design timeframe, to reach the quality demand, and to achieve the design goal, which are the thesis goals, this thesis concludes the needs and suggests the works of project communication, knowledge share, and comments feed-back.


PDCA design review working process design architect


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