  • 學位論文


The Competition Strategy of Taiwanese Foundry Industry

指導教授 : 嚴國慶


鑄造工業發展雖已歷史悠久,但能歷久彌新,且伴隨近年來能源科技業的崛起,鑄造科技與技術能力都能同步精進並有效提升產品競爭力,生產出高品質、耐低溫衝擊、高延展的特殊材質,吸震與抗震特性的特殊球墨鑄鐵,因應高附加價值的需求,舉凡綠能產業、車輛工業、建築機械、農用機械等零組件的品質及技術水準均有顯著的進展,然而,隨著全球化的經濟危機已造成台灣經濟明顯衰退,在詭譎萬變的經營環境中,沒有夕陽產業只有不用高科技的夕陽企業,如何掌握正確的策略,建立並維持獨特的不敗競爭優勢,達到企業競爭優勢,以期能永續經營,找到屬於適合自己脫穎而出的行銷策略,對鑄造業未來提升高經濟價值乃是鑄造業共同努力的目標。 因此,本研究藉由Porter提出的競爭優勢策略分析模式理論,以及創新SWOT分析,探討台灣鑄造業e化的趨勢下,運用B2B網路平台的行銷優勢,尋求台灣鑄造業了解動態競爭環境下,把握企業定位和市場命脈,鎖定台灣鑄造業為研究對象,以期能藉此進一步深入探討推衍未來發展方向之競爭策略,同時提升其競爭力。本研究將聚焦於屬於鑄造產業應有的競爭準則包含:善用電子商務提高企業經營效率、鑄造業經營中的成本績效管理、提供競爭差異服務避免價格競爭、加強創新研發等四大方向。


Casting industrial has been developed for many centuries, but it is never fading charms. Together with raise of energy industrial, improved foundry technology and skills make castings products more competitive. Special mechanical properties such as high quality, low-temperature impact resistance, high elongation value, shock-absorption and resistance help ductile iron become high value-added products. Introducing of this material also improves part quality and technical level in many industrials, such as green power automobile, construction and agriculture. However, the global economic crisis gives direct impact on Taiwan economy recession. In spirit of “None industry but falling enterprises without applying latest technology can fail.”, how an enterprise develops a customized marketing strategy to reinforce its comparative dominant is critical to the survival competition. In order to managing an aim to become a perpetual going-concern, increasing economy value is the goal for casting industrial. The thesis aims to study competitive strategy of Taiwanese foundry industry by applying Pro. Porter’s competitive strategy analysis mode and SWOT analysis system. The paper indicates the industry’s strategy methodologies include applying B2B Network platform in computerized environment and allocating the corporation marketing orientation in dynamic competitive environment. This study will focus on general competition codes including: increase enterprise operational efficiency by utilizing electronic commerce, monitoring casting management by cost performance, avoiding price competition by offering comparative differential service, reinforcing research and development.


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