  • 學位論文


Analysis of the Energy Innovative Teaching Materials on Seventh Graders' Learning Performance at a Junior High School in Taichung

指導教授 : 張迪惠 白子易


研究者以臺中市屯區某國中全體七年級學生為研究對象,分實驗組與對照組,作為實施能源創新教材教學與否的依據。並採問卷調查法,以「國中學生能源創新教材學習成效評量問卷施測」為研究工具,在教學前後作全體七年級生線上的施測,共完成135份有效問卷。施測結果數據以Statistical Product and Service Solutions(SPSS)統計軟體進行各項描述性統計分析,並以獨立樣本t檢定、成對樣本t檢定作學習成效分析,並與國科會(現改為科技部)計畫中之實驗組施測結果作描述性統計之分析比較。藉以了解此實施能源創新教材對七年級生知識提昇之影響與學生對能源創新教材之吸收成效。根據資料研究結果歸納如下: 一、研究對象七年級學生能源認知現況,整份問卷(含實驗組與對照組)的前測平均答對率為50%,其中以再生能源答對率最高。整體而言,因在七年級課程內容中,已有提到能源之章節,所以學生有約略的概念,且能顯現之前基礎能源教育所建立的成效。在第三向度「節能減碳」的平均答對率明顯低於其他向度,由此可知七年級學生對此部份能源知識顯得較陌生。 二、實驗組能源認知之程度:在實施能源創新教材教學前,七年級學生的能源知識表現,以再生能源答對率最高;非再生能源與節能減碳次之。 在實施教學後,七年級學生的學習概念,以再生能源最佳,有89%;非再生能源次之,答對率70%,進步皆超過20%。可見實施能源創新教材教學,對於國中七年級學生能源知識表現上是有明顯助益的。 三、以本研究實驗組與國科會計畫實驗組(國小五年級學童)之施測數據比較與分析,後測的整體表現,兩組答對率皆已提升至70%。可見此能源創新教材實施在國小五年級學童與國中七年級學生,都能收到明顯進步之成效。 四、分析對照組的成對樣本t檢定,前測對後測的平均得分分別為1.444、-0.778、2.111、2.778;其雙尾顯著尾值均大於 0.05,可見未實施能源創新教材教學,在學習成效就無明顯提升。實驗組的成對樣本t檢定顯示實施能源創新教材教學後有顯著提升;而顯著性雙尾皆為0.000,達顯著差異,可知能源創新教材對受測者能源知識的學習有正向提升。 五、在後測獨立樣本t檢定中,綜合3個向度與總分之分析結果,其F檢定之顯著性小於0.05,而雙尾顯著性p值皆為0.000(< 0.001),且信賴區間都不包含0,顯示已達顯著差異。表示實施能源創新教材後,實驗組與對照組能源知識表現有顯著差異。由此可知,能源創新教材的實施與否對學生是有顯著影響。 期望透過研究結果提出具體建議,供未來推廣相關教材之參考。 關鍵詞:能源創新教材;能源知識;教材成效


In this study, seventh graders in Taichung City in Taiwan were the participants and they were divided into an experimental and a control group. Energy Innovative Teaching Materials on Seventh Graders' Learning Performance questionnaire was used as an instrument and given online in the pre-test and the post-test. There were 135 valid questionnaire in total. Independent t-test and paired t-test of Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) software were used to analyze the data descriptively of this study as well as the experimental group in a National Science Council project, further, to realize the implementation the energy innovative teaching materials on seventh graders' learning performance and perception. The data was analyzed in the following: 1.According to the current understanding of seventh graders toward energy, the average correctness rate of the pre-test questionnaire in the experimental group and the control group was 50%; the correctness rate of the first dimension, renewable energy, is the highest. Seventh-grade curriculum has introduced parts of knowledge on energy, therefore, participants had a basic understanding on the topic and they were more capable of demonstrating a better learning performance on basic energy education. However, the average correctness rates of the third dimension, energy conservation and carbon reduction, was significantly lower than the other two dimensions, renewable and non-renewable energy. This indicated that seventh graders are less familiar with the knowledge about energy conservation and carbon reduction. 2.According to the understanding of energy in the experimental group, seventh graders had better understanding toward renewable energy resource than the other two, non-renewable resource and energy conservation and carbon reduction, before the implementation of energy innovative teaching materials. After the implementation of energy innovative teaching materials, seventh graders’ learning performance on renewable energy had the best performance and the correctness rate was up to 89% as well as non-renewable energy was followed by with the rate of 70%; the understanding of these two dimensions improved more than 20%. The data indicated the significance of implementation of energy innovative teaching materials on improving the understanding of energy concept for seventh graders. 3.According to the comparison and analysis of the experiment group in the current study and the experimental group of a National Science Council project, seventh graders and fifth graders respectively, the rate of correctness of post-test in both groups has increased up to 70%. It suggested that the great significance of the implementation of energy innovative teaching materials on fifth and seventh graders. 4.The average scores for pre-test and post-test were 1.444, -0.778, 2.111 and 2.778 in terms of the analysis of the paired t-test for the control group. The p value of the two-tailed test was greater than 0.05 which exhibited there was no significance on participants’learning performance before the implementation of energy innovative teaching materials. However, the p value of the paired t-test for the experimental group was 0.00 that suggested the significance of the post-test. The data above implied that the implementation of energy innovative teaching materials has a positive effect on enhancing participants’ understanding towards energy. 5.Based on the data analysis of the three dimensions, renewable energy, non-renewable energy, and energy conservation and carbon reduction, the following results showed the significant difference of the experiment group and the control group; in the post-test, p value of F-test was below 0.05, the p value of the two-tailed test was 0.00(< 0.001), and the confidence interval was not 0. The data above stated that the implementation of energy innovative teaching materials was significant. This current study expects to propose constructive recommendations based on the results and further serve as a reference for promoting related teaching materials. Keywords: energy innovative teaching materials; understanding of energy; learning performance of teaching materials.


1.102年環境白皮書,行政院環境保護署,台北 (2013)。
