  • 學位論文


A Study on Providing Action Record Information to Reduce Automobile Insurance Premium

指導教授 : 王明智


現今社會交通事故頻繁,交通事故之當事人,若可適當採取相應措施保留證據,避免理賠過程產生疑慮。若業者接受行車記錄器作為事故理賠之證據,進而減少「假車禍、真詐騙」之案件,而理賠人員更快速且正確掌握相關跡證,並做出適當判斷,達到迅速理賠之目的,同時降低保險業者理賠成本及減少詐騙的損失,而保險人在獲得改善之損失率後,而將其作為降低保險費率之利基,回饋予消費者。 本研究係以不同部門之產險實務專家角度,選取三家產險公司主管級人員,共發放33份,回收33份,有效問卷33份,透過專家問卷思考消費者提供行動記錄資料是否得作為降低汽車保險費率之利基,以了解掌握車險開發政策之實務主管對此策略之看法,在此前提下開發新保單,就主要客群、客戶對保費的接受度、簡易核保、迅速理賠、公司職員的專業度及控制損失率等六個面向進行填答,回收問卷透過信效度分析、基本統計分析及變異數分析等方法,結果發現主要客群之選擇對開發新保單及保費接受度對開發新保單時遭遇到的困難,及行車記錄器作為事故理賠之證據對損失率改善,有顯著影響;尤其對消費者提供行動記錄資料作為降低汽車保險費率之利基的可行性,有顯著的認同。 關鍵字:行車記錄器、汽車保險、假車禍、保險費率、車險理賠


Traffic accidents occur frequently at present. If the parties involved in traffic accidents can take appropriate measures to keep the evidence, qualms can be avoided during the process of claim settlement. If the data recorded by dashboard cameras can be accepted as an evidence of accident claim settlements by insurers, “fake traffic accident, real fraud” cases can therefore be reduced. Furthermore, claim personnel can take traffic accident-related evidence faster and more correctly, and make appropriate decisions in order to achieve the goal of rapid claim settlement, and to reduce claim settlement costs and fraud losses of insurers. The improved loss ratios received by insurers can be used as the niche of reducing insurance rates to repay for consumers. This study was conducted via the angles of insurance experts from different department at insurance companies. A total of 33 questionnaires were sent to the chosen executives from 3 insurance companies, and all of these questionnaires were returned and available. This study investigated whether the data from dashboard cameras supplied by consumers could be used as the niche of reducing car insurance rates via the questionnaire responses from experts in order to understand the opinions of executives handling policy development of car insurance about this policy. Six insurance orientations (including: the acceptance rates of insurance premiums for major customer groups and clients, simple underwritings, rapid claim settlements, the professional degrees of employees at insurance companies, and the control of loss ratios) were selected as theresponse options for the development of new policy under this condition. In addition, the comprehensive questionnaire was designed based on the concerns of different departments at insurance companies in order to induce and get a common view effectively. The returned questionnaires were analyzed using reliability and validity analysis, basic statistical analysis, variance analysis, and other analysis methods. The results revealed that the choices of major customer groups had significant effects on the acceptance rates of new policies and insurance premiums, the difficulty during the development of new insurance policies, and the improvement of loss ratios when the data recorded by dashboard cameras could be accepted as an evidence of accident claim settlements. Furthermore, the experts generally agreed the possibility of that the data from dashboard cameras supplied by consumers could be used as the niche of reducing car insurance rates. Keywords: dashboard camera, car insurance, fake traffic accident, insurance rate, automobile insurance claim settlement


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