  • 學位論文


The Effect of Indoor Temperature by Different Roof Cooling Systems-Using Pool、Spray and Sprinkling Systems as Examples

指導教授 : 郭章淵


臺灣由於地處亞熱帶地區,夏季的高日射在屋頂面上造成室內溫度升高的現象。本研究採用實地實測方式探討不同屋頂降溫系統對室內溫度影響,研究樣本以朝陽科技大學教學大樓屋頂施作水池降溫系統、噴霧降溫系統、灑水降溫系統作為實驗項目;測量施作前後外氣溫度、屋頂表面溫度、室內天花板表面溫度及室內溫度;探討不同屋頂降溫系統對屋頂表面溫度、室內天花板表面溫度、室內溫度、時滯效應的影響。 依本研究實驗條件所得結論如下:1.屋頂降溫系統施作前後之三種降溫系統對室內天花板表面溫度皆呈現有顯著差異,施作後平均降低施作前室內天花板表面溫度5.9℃,以灑水降溫最佳,其次為水池與噴霧;2.有效降低屋頂表面溫度的方法以水池為最佳降低6.43℃,其次為灑水、最差為噴霧;3.有效降低室內天花板表面溫度的方法以灑水為最佳降低1.67℃,其次為水池與噴霧;4.有效降低室內溫度的方法以灑水為最佳降低2.47℃,其次為水池與噴霧;5.三種降溫系統對室內天花板表面及室內溫度時滯效應,灑水效果最好、其次為水池與噴霧。


As Taiwan is located in subtropical zone, roofs exposed to strong solar radiation during summer time would increase the indoor temperature. This study adopted field measurement to discuss the effect of different roof cooling systems on indoor temperature. The object of this study was the roof of the teaching building of Chaoyang University of Technology, which has a pool cooling system, a spray cooling system, and a sprinkling cooling system. The ambient air temperature, roof surface temperature, indoor ceiling surface temperature, and indoor temperature were measured to discuss the effect of different roof cooling systems on roof surface temperature, indoor ceiling surface temperature, indoor temperature and Time-lag effect. According to the experimental conditions of this study, the conclusions are as follows: 1) there are significant differences in the effect of three roof cooling systems on the indoor ceiling surface temperature, the ceiling surface temperature is decreased by 5.9℃ in average after implementation, the sprinkling cooling has the best effect, and then the pool and spray; 2) the pool is the most effective mode for reducing roof surface temperature by 6.43℃, and then sprinkling, spray is the worst; 3) the sprinkling is the most effective mode for reducing indoor ceiling surface temperature by 1.67℃, and then the pool and spray; 4) the sprinkling is the most effective mode for reducing indoor temperature by 2.47℃, and then the pool and spray; 5) the sprinkling has the best Time-lag effect on indoor ceiling surface temperature and indoor temperature, and then the pool and spray.


Evaporative cooling Time-lag Cooling systems


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陳金象(2013)。建築外殼水幕淋水降溫效益之研究 -以磁磚及花崗石為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/CYCU.2013.00112
