  • 學位論文


The Study on the Relationships Among Work Stress, Leisure Coping and Well-Being: A Case Study of a Senior High School in Nantou County

指導教授 : 許吉越


本研究旨在探討高中教師工作壓力、休閒調適及幸福感的關係,主要目的為:(一)瞭解工作壓力現況與探討不同背景變項的差異。(二)瞭解休閒調適現況與探討不同背景變項的差異。(三)瞭解幸福感現況與探討不同背景變項的差異。(四)探討工作壓力與休閒調適的關係。(五)探討工作壓力對幸福感的影響。(六)探討休閒調適對幸福感的影響。   母群體為南投縣九所高中專任教師,以簡單隨機抽樣法,自各校男、女教師中各選取一半為研究對象 (n=370)。徵求同意後,讓其填寫背景、工作壓力、休閒運動調適及幸福感等量表。發出370份問卷,回收353份問卷,整理時剔除16份不完整問卷,有效問卷共337份;並以單因子變異數分析、典型相關分析、逐步迴歸分析進行資料處理。獲得結果如下: (一)最讓高中教師感到壓力的工作事件是:家長理念偏差很難溝通、學校未了解教師需求、課程繁多增加教學負擔。而兼導師的教師在工作負荷及組織氣氛得分顯著高於專任教師。 (二)高中教師參與休閒活動理由主要為:解決壓力、擁有正面情緒及保持好心情。至於不同教育程度、任教年資及擔任職務的教師,在休閒調適的差異無達到顯著水準。 (三)高中教師參與休閒運動後,感受最深的情事為:預期愉快事情發生、生活是有回饋的、對生活有投入感及參與感。而任教年資超過15年的教師在自我信心得分顯得高於未滿1年的教師。 (四)高中教師工作壓力與休閒調適整體關係達顯著水準,工作壓力可解釋休閒調適的變異量為8%。 (五)工作壓力之家長參與及組織氣氛是預測幸福感構面的主要變項;預測效果顯示:從家長參與及組織氣氛感受壓力程度愈高,幸福感的評價便會愈低。 (六)休閒調適之提昇正面情緒是預測幸福感構面的主要變項;預測效果顯示:休閒活動目標若在獲得正向情緒,便會提昇幸福感的評價。   最後本研究依結論,針對教師因應工作壓力及增加幸福感提出實質應用的建議;亦對未來研究方向提出些許的建議,供後續研究參考。


The study was aimed at exploring the relevant situation of work stress,leisure coping strategies and well-being among senior high school teachers in Nantou County,Taiwan.The result could be a reference for further studies. Questionnaire survey and simple random sampling were adopted in this study.The study objects were from the nine senior high schools in Nantou County.370 questionaires were distributed and there were 337 valid returns.The study information was obtained through one –way ANOVA, canonical analysis ,and stepwise regression analysis.The study results were as follows: 1. The things that stress senior high school teachers most were ill understanding and communication between teachers and parents.Homeroom teachers are under more pressure than subject teachers in the dimentions of workload and organizational climate. 2. The main reasons for senior high school teachers to take part in leisure activities are to reduce pressure,obtain positive emotions and keep a good mood.Teachers of different education level,seniority and job duty had no significant difference in leisure coping strategies. 3. Senior high school teachers working for over 15 years had more self-confidence than those working for less than 1 year. 4. Senior high school teachers’work stress was significantly related to leisure coping strategies. 5. Parents’participation and organizational climate of work stress could effectively predict well-being. 6. Leisure mood enhancement coping of leisure coping strategies could effectively predict well-being.


李淑惠、張芷芳(2010)。保險從業人員休閒行為影響因素、工作壓力與生活幸福感之相關研究。運動健康與休閒學刊,16,111- 126。
