  • 學位論文


Quantitative analysis and statistical study of Ochratoxin A in animal feeds in Asia

指導教授 : 錢偉鈞


赭麴毒素A (Ochratoxin A,OTA) 是一種具有多種毒性的真菌毒素。由真菌中麴黴屬 (Aspergillus sp.) 和青黴屬 (Penicillium sp.) 的一些菌株產生的一種次級代謝產物,廣泛污染糧食和飼料。赭麴毒素A具有很強的腎臟和肝臟毒性,並有致畸、致突變、免疫抑制和致癌等作用,對動物和人體健康有很大的潛在危害。本研究以串聯式液相層析質譜儀檢驗2012年9月到2013年1月間亞洲五個地區46件動物飼料樣本中赭麴毒素A所含濃度。當訊號判定以S/N>1為採計標準時,赭麴毒素A陽性總檢出率57% (26/46),含量平均值為16.26 ppb,含量最大值則為21.79 ppb。單一地區赭麴毒素A檢出率最高達83%,最低0%,毒素含量平均值最高17.48 ppb,最大值達21.79 ppb。檢驗結果以在S/N 3為採計標準時檢出率為20%,相較S/N>1時之檢出率57%,較接近其他文獻所載之檢出結果(19%~27%),以S/N 3應是一個較合適的檢測標準。


Ochratoxin A (OTA) is a mycotoxin with a variety of toxicity. As a secondary metabolite produced by Aspergillus ( Aspergillus sp. ) and Penicillium ( Penicillium sp. ), OTA widely contaminates food and feed. With its strong kidney and liver toxicity and the teratogenic, mutagenic, immunosuppressive and carcinogenic effects, OTA may cause great damage to the health of animals and human beings. This study aims to examine the concentration of OTA in the 46 animal feed samples collected from five Asian regions in the period September 2012 to January 2013 by tandem liquid chromatography tandem mass spectroscopy. With S/N> 1 as the peak picking standard, the OTA occurrence is 57% (26/46), while the average OTA content is 16.26 ppb and the maximum content is 21.79 ppb. For single region, the highest OTA occurrence is 83% and the lowest 0% while the highest average content is 17.48 ppb and the maximum content is 21.79 ppb. If the peak picking standard raised to S/N 3, the OTA occurrence is 20%, which is closer to the test results in previous published reports (19% ~ 27%). Accordingly, S/N 3 is a more adequate standard for peak picking in LC/MS/MS method.


mycotoxin Ochratoxin LC/MS/MS


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