  • 學位論文


An Empirical Study for Purchase Intention of Commercial Long-Term Care Insurance ─ An Example of College Students in Central Taiwan University

指導教授 : 余祖慰


本研究旨在了解本研究的目的是針對中部地區大學之學生對商業性長期看護保險的認知程度做探討,再以人口統計變數、消費者實態、產品屬性評估、資料來源來分析中部地區大學學生對商業性長期看護保險之購買意圖。利用方便取樣發放收集問卷,共計三百六十份,經剔除無效問卷計40份,實際可用之有效問卷320份,有效問卷總回收率為88.89%,並利用信度分析(Reliability Analysis)、獨立樣本t檢定(Independent Samples t test) 、單因子變異數分析(One-Way ANOVA)、迴歸分析(Regression Analysis)四種分析方法。   探討中部地區大學學生對商業性長期看護保險之購買意圖,本研究研究結果(一)人口統計變數對消費者實態變數有顯著正向的影響。(二)人口統計變數對產品屬性評估變數有顯著正向的影響。(三)資料來源變數對消費者實態變數有顯著正向的影響。(四)資料來源變數對產品屬性評估變數有顯著正向的影響。(五)產品屬性評估變數對消費者實態變數有顯著正向的影響。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the awareness of college students in central Taiwan towards commercial long-term care insurance and their willingness and intention to purchase such products, through analysis from demographic variables、actual consuming style variables、product attribute evaluation variables and source of information variables. A total of three hundred and sixty randomly-distributed questionnaires were collected, and after excluding 40 invalid copies, there were 320 valid ones, accounting for 88.89% of total response rate. Afterwards, the questionnaires were further analyzed through Reliability Analysis, Independent Samples t test, One-Way ANOVA, and Regression Analysis. With regard to the willingness and intention of college students in central Taiwan towards commercial long-term care insurance products, the study forecasts that: (1) demographic variables have a significant positive effect on actual consuming style variables; (2) demographic variables have a significant positive effect on product attribute evaluation variables; (3) source of information variables have a significant positive effect on actual consuming styles variables; (4) source of information variables have a significant positive effect on product attribute evaluation variables; (5) product attribute evaluation variables have a significant positive effect on actual consuming styles variables.


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