  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationship Among Fundraising Types, Switching Intention and Donating Behavior – Nonprofit Organization Marketing Model as an Example

指導教授 : 林孟璋


近年來,人們飼養寵物風氣興盛,也幾乎由「同伴動物」來替代「寵物」一詞。然囿於經濟景氣或個人喜好變化,亦造成棄養、虐待動物情事層出不窮。於是乎,一群秉持著對生命熱愛與執著的善心人士,以協會組織為流浪動物尋求庇護與追求幸福。 非營利動物保護組織雖在國內如雨後春筍般蓬勃發展,然在資源(含政府補助及捐助者)有限及組織數量、活動激增下,開始面臨相互競爭、資金募集困難瓶頸,亟待找尋募款新契機。 本研究以五組轉移因素構面及二項轉移行為與意圖構面,透過線性結構關係模式,分析探討捐助者對捐助團體之轉移現象及原因、轉移行為與意圖之因果關係。經驗證結果得知,捐助者轉移意圖與行為影響因素,最主要在於捐助對象之服務策略與作為。捐助者在初期選擇捐助對象後就無強烈轉移意圖,有相當高比例對原捐助對象具忠誠度態度。在行銷策略上,進行募款方式則需充實與多樣化,才能滿足各型態捐助者需求,包括提供多元性捐款管道,以增進捐款便利性、發揮在地化優勢、以創新經營模式提供各種行銷及義賣募款等。 另研究結果發現,動物保護團體須區隔與其他組織之服務模式,以避免直接面對同服務性質競爭,募款策略切忌「如法炮製」。而透過廣告、促銷、人員和公共報導...等及以展示成果、給人美好的感覺、保持高度熱情與從過去的單向推廣,到聆聽捐款者聲音的雙向互動等募款效果,並未完全受民眾接受,由此可見,在非營利組織中進行行銷工作,乃存有許多阻礙,主要原因來自於對行銷的誤解(認為行銷是一種商業行為)。其實,行銷是一經營觀,而不是營利觀。就非營利組織而言,若一味強調行銷而忘記了本身使命與願景,將會陷入反效果負面口碑效應,是故如古人所說,「過而不及」都不是好的經營策略。


In recent years, the pets rising is becoming a common practice and almost from "companion animals" instead of "pets" has been adopted. However, the reasons of the economic recession or personal preference caused or changed, but also are forced animals abandoning & cruel to animals’ event s one after another. Though, one group of people with animals upholding and loving are dedicated to seek the shelters or asylums for animals in straying and roaming from their masters to be protected & supported. The numbers of domestic nonprofit organizations are increasing and expanding rapidly. Hence, the donors (including government subsidizers and private donors) are limited in numbers with many activities occurred and the fundraising is becoming just like a bottleneck for not easy to collect the fundraising in urgent need. Metastatic behavior and intentions which construct into the major interactions between donor intentions and negative oral effects derived. The five interfaces of transfer ring factors are divided into fundraising adoption , members fundraising, relations fundraising, charity fundraising and marketing fundraising. It’s taking two interactions of metastatic behavior and intention adding five causal reasons of the above transferring factors for having analysis to provide the reasons for donor animal protection groups to understand and explore situation and stage of acceptance for assisting a variety of fundraising methods of donors. In order to conducting several thoughts and appropriate strategy for current groups of animal-protecting groups are going to take them. The results of this study are known that the main idea on the contribution of the service strategy and performance among the donors switching intentions and behavior factors. By the initial donation from donor contributions without strong intent, the donors are involved with high loyalty attitude.As for the marketing strategy, you need to conduct the mult-fundraising activities to enrich and establish the diversifies in order to meet all needs of each type of donors, including the provision of diversity contributions to promote convenience of donation and get advantages domesticlly.For taking various marketing and charity fundraising, it has taken with the business models of innovation. From other findings for this study will be help animal protection groups to establish the service segmentation for avoiding the competition from the same groups of foundraising. It’s not accepted completely by people with the following effects through advertising, promotion, public reporting etc. to demonstrate results, to give a good impression, remain highly enthusiasm and to listen the feekbacks from the past one-way promotion to the two-way interaction through donors. We can recognize the existance with severl obstacles among the nonprofit organizations to have marketing. The main obstacles is a misunderstanding come from marketing treated as a commercial activity. In fact, marketing is a business management and not conception with pursuitis in benifits. For non-profit organizations, if it’s emphasized in marketing blindly and forgotten their own mission and vision, the opposite effects will be fallen into the oral negative one. From the ancients’ saying, it’s not a good strategy of management for action with insufficiency or overacting.


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