  • 學位論文


Studies on Screening Culture and Dish Culture of Antrodia cinnamomea

指導教授 : 曾耀銘 劉炳嵐


牛樟芝(Antrodia cinnamomea),為台灣特有真菌,具宿主專一性。經現代分離技術可知,牛樟芝活性成分,包括:多醣體、三萜類、超氧歧化酵素、腺苷、維生素、微量元素、固醇類、木質素等…已知生理活性功能包括有:抗腫瘤、調節免疫能力、抗病毒、抗發炎、抗高血壓、降膽固醇、保護肝臟功能等,現今研究以多醣體及三萜類為主。本研究測試兩種型態之菌種保存方式,再經不同時間低溫保存後,進行生長觀察,並以HPLC分析目標成分含量之差異。最後結果發現,牛樟芝較適合以切塊菌方式進行保存。此外,由於自然界中子實體在牛樟木上生長速度緩慢,且牛樟木為保育類樹種不易取得,為因應社會的需求,因此利用不同培養基及添加木粉或葡萄柚粉兩種配方,進行培養皿出菇試驗,同樣以HPLC分析目標成分之含量差異。從分析結果顯示,添加麥芽萃取物最佳濃度為4%、紅糖最佳濃度為1%;利用回收的木粉及添加葡萄柚粉末培養兩種配方,依整體分析而言,葡萄柚粉末添加濃度為0.5%時牛樟芝的生長狀況最佳。


出菇 菌種保存 三萜類 多醣體 牛樟芝 葡萄柚


Antrodia cinnamomea, have host specificity and unique fungi in Taiwan. The separation of technology can be seen Antioxidant ingredients, including: polysaccharides, triterpenes, superoxide dismutase enzymes, adenosine, vitamins, trace elements, sterols and lignin. Many studies have confirmed that A. cinnamomea is rich in polysaccharides and triterpenoids that have medicinal effects in anti-cancer, anti-inflammation, antihypertensive and anti-oxidation. Thus, most studies were focused on polysaccharides and triterpenes. Finally, A. cinnamomea is more suitable for preservation of diced fungi. Due to the supplying limitation of camphor wood, the only source of growing fruiting body of A. cinnamomea, this research attempted to use the different medium to testing the possibility of fruiting of A. cinnamomea in a dish culture. The culture medium was prepared by using the formula medium and recycled wood flour. Selected bioactive components were analyzed by HPLC. After culture, it was found that the optimum concentration of malt extract was 4% and the optimal concentration of brown sugar was 1%. Using recycled wood flour medium by adding grapefruit powder culture had better effects on the growth and bioactive components production, The optimum concentration of grapefruit powder was 0.5%.


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