  • 學位論文


The Improvement of Design and Management Model for Construction Industry by Using Software Information Technology -- An Example of Shin Sheng Manufacturing Engineering Construction Co., Ltd.

指導教授 : 嚴國慶 王淑卿


營造業是一個與人民之住、行、育、樂等生活機能相關的民生行業,只要社會持續邁向現代化,人民持續追求生活品質,營造業始終扮演舉足輕重的角色。因此,營造業的經濟活動為國家經濟發展與競爭力的重要指標之一,更素有「火車頭工業」之稱。一般來說,營造業分為建築工程業、土木工程業及專門營造業等三大類。本研究針對建築工程業運用現代資訊科技軟體改善傳統建築工程業之管理進行之研究,進而達到更高品質及獲得更高利益為主要目的。 從傳統營造業至現代營造業所需之物資、人力需求皆非常的大,目前傳統營造業與現代營造業之不同差異在於傳統營造業所需要的大量人力部分已經由一些大型機具及電動工具所取代,但是現代營造業所需要的人力需求仍非常的大。除了人力需求外,材料物資也是營造業成本中不可或缺的。隨著工業之進步、開發,建材本身自實用日漸發展至實用外兼顧美感、精緻、耐久等之功能,價錢相對跟著提高。 因此,如何運用現代資訊科技軟體來改善營造業不必要的耗工、耗材,進而充分運用人力、物力,並可自然提升品質為本研究之目的。本研究以信陞營造工程有限公司為例,將一棟完整建築物從平地到建築物成型的過程,分別在規劃設計、結構工程、及裝修工程等三階段,運用資訊科技軟體探討建築業設計及管理模式的改善。


The construction industry is a industry related to people's living, education, music and other life functions of people's livelihood. As long as the society continues to modernize and the people continue to pursue the quality of life, the construction industry has always played a pivotal role. However, the economic activities of the construction industry have become the one of the most important factor for the national economic development and competitiveness. Therefore, the construction industry is known as the "leading industry". In general, the construction industry is divided into construction industry, civil engineering and specialized construction industry and other three categories. This study is aimed at improving the quality of traditional construction industry through the use of modern information technology software in the construction industry, so as to achieve higher quality and higher benefits. The needs of materials and manpower for the traditional construction industry and the modern construction industry are very large. The large amount of manpower required by the traditional construction industry has been partly replaced by large machinery and electronic automatic tools in the modern construction industry. But the manpower needs of the modern construction industry are still very large. In addition, a large number of materials is also essential in the costs of construction industry. With the industrial progress and development, the building materials need to have practicality and need to have a sense of beauty, delicate, durable and other characteristics, so the price has also been increased. The purpose of this study is to improve the current situation of labor and consumables in construction industry. The information technology software will be used, then human and material resources will be fully utilized, and the quality of the construction industry will be improved. The Shin Sheng Manufacturing Engineering Construction Co., Ltd. is taken as an example in this study. The processes of building a complete building from the flat to the building will be described. In the study, the information technology software is used in the planning and design, structural engineering and fitting-out works in the processes of building a construction. Therefore, the improvement of the design and management model of the construction industry is therefore explored.


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