  • 學位論文


A Study On Notebook Design Implemented by New Input Devices

指導教授 : 林季雄


近年來科技的進步明顯的改變了人們的生活,各式各樣不同的個人行動電子產品在市場上的崛起,無論是手機、PDA、隨身碟、MP3和筆記型電腦,其中「行動電話」依然是市場佔有率最高的個人行動電子產品,但若以市場的成長速度而言,最為驚人莫過於「筆記型電腦」。經過近幾年來的研發,許多新型態的輸入裝置技術已經逐漸成熟,如:虛擬鍵盤、軟性鍵盤、折疊鍵盤和觸控輸入,然而目前市面上的筆記型電腦為了因應龐大市場需求而不斷推陳出新,卻尚未將這些新的行動輸入裝置導入設計中,因此其產品造形外觀及操作型態歷經十餘年來的發展,卻並未隨著時代演進和科技進步而有所改變,然而這些新型態輸入裝置導入,勢必使未來筆記型電腦在造型及使用型態上產生變化。 本研究針對學生族與上班族做調查,釐清兩族群間在使用型態上的差異以及功能需求上的不同,進而擬定設計方針,將研究中提及的各項新型態輸入裝置導入筆記型電腦設計當中進行產品創新設計,最後透過驗證問卷將設計成果進行驗證,以期得知設計成果是否滿足不同使用者的需求與認同。 (1) 學生族群: 由於學生族群攜帶筆記型電腦出外的頻率較低,因此在選購上偏向較大型的筆記型電腦,以便於在家使用,因此較注重影音娛樂上的功能,且對於文字輸入的舒適性上較不注重,因此較適合導入雷射鍵盤,進而達到節省桌面作業空間的效果。而在功能面建議加入藍芽遙控器的功能,讓學生族群能夠輕鬆的享受影音娛樂的效果。 (2) 上班族群: 由於上班族群攜帶筆記型電腦出外的頻率較高,因此在選購上偏向較小型的筆記型電腦,以便能輕鬆的攜帶,也較為注重工作上的功能,且對於文字輸入的舒適度上較為注重,因此建議導入摺疊鍵盤,進而達成鍵盤尺寸能夠不受限於筆記型電腦的體積大小,提高在文字輸入上的舒適度。而加入簡報投影的功能,讓上班族群在工作上更加得心應手。


The tehnology progress in recent years has obviously changed the people’s life. A variety of various personal mobile electronic products have been riding on the emerging trends in the market. No matter it is handset, PDA, portable USB, MP3 or NB type computer; where mobile phone is one of the personal mobile electronic products, which occupies the highest market share. However, if speaking of the speed of market growth, the most astonishing one is of course the notebook type computer. After the research and development progress in recent years, quite a few new-type technologies of input devices have been gradually matured, such as virtual keyboard, soft keyboard, foldable keyboard, touch-control input device, etc. Although the NB computers now being sold on the market have undergone incessant innovations in order to catch up with the huge market denads, it does not implement these new mobile input devices in its designing. Therefore, the product model & appearance and operation mode have not changed much as the epochal evolution and technology progress have gone through; the implementation of these new-type input devices will surely lead to a change in the model and operation mode of the NB computers in the future. Investigations have been performed regarding the student folks and white-collar folks in order to clarify the differences of models-in-use and function demends for further setting up the design guidelines; the purpose is to implement all new types of input devices for the NB computer design to realize the innovative design of the products. The design performance will be verified by doing an investigation quentionnaire to understand whether it could satisfy the demands and identification of different users. (1) Student Folks: Since the frequency that the student folks will hand carries the NB computer is low, purchasement of large type NB is hence preferred to make a convenient in-house application. Because A/V entertainment functions are being paid much attention to, and, the comfortability of text input has received less attention, so, it is more appropriate to implement laser keyboard in order to fulfill the effects of saving desktop operation space. As to the functional aspects, it is advised to add bluetooth remote control function to allow the student folks to enjoy cozily the effect of A/V entertainments. (2) White Collar Folks: Since the white-collar folks will carry the NB for outdoor uses at a higher frequency, therefore, purchasing small type NB computers are preferred to make the hand-carry more easier and more attentions are paid on the job functions. Besides, the comfortability of text input device is also emphasized. Therefore, it is advised to implement foldable keyboard to enhance the comfort of text input, by fulfilling that keyboard size could be free from the limitation of the NB computer volume. And, adding projection function for briefing, it will help the white-collar folks to be handier in his daily job.


New input devices


Seybold,2001,Get Inside the Lives of Your Customers.
Makela and Mattelmaki,2002,Collecting Stories on User Experiences to Inspire Design.
Don E. Waldman & Elizabeth J.Jensen,2001, Addison Wesley Longman , Inc ., Second Edition .
資訊工業年鑑編簒小組編,資訊工業年鑑2002,台北市,財團法人資訊工業策進會資訊市場情報中心 (MIC),2002。


