  • 學位論文


Study of Broadband Multicast Networks Scheduling Mechanism

指導教授 : 蔡佳勝


在寬頻無線網路中,多播是一個一對多及多對多的有效傳輸方式。特別是在多媒體傳輸服務中,多播技術可以有效的節省來源端的網路頻寬及減少額外處理成本。在過去到現在已經有很多的學者一直在研究多播的相關技術。他們的研究主要是集中在一對多的資料傳輸,也就是一個來源端到多個目的端。但是在多對多的資料傳輸中,我們有可能會遇到優先權的問題。比如說來自不同的來源端,相同服務品質類別的資料可能會有不同的緊急程度。我們的系統模型是以WiMAX網路系統為基礎。在這篇論文中,我們將利用混合 Urgent Level (UL)與 Proportional Average Delay (PAD)排班的方式來解決飢餓問題。這樣的方式,我們稱為 Hybrid Urgency and PAD (HUPAD)。另一方面,混合UL與PAD排班可以減少等待佇列中封包的平均等待時間。


In broadband wireless networks, multicast is an effective delivery method for one-to-many and many-to-many. Multicast technologies can efficient save networks bandwidth and reduce processing overhead from sources especially in multimedia services. In the past, there are many scholars have researching about the multicast technologies. Their research just focus on one-to-many date delivery which is one source to many destinations. But in the many-to-many data delivery, we may possible meet the problems of priority. For example, data may have different urgent level from different sources in the same Quality of service (QoS) class. Our system model is base on WiMAX network system. In this paper, we proposed to exploit hybrid Urgent Level (UL) and Proportional Average Delay (PAD) scheduling to solve the starvation problems. The method is called Hybrid Urgency and PAD (HUPAD). On the other hand, hybrid UL and PAD scheduling may reduce data packets average waiting time within waiting queue.


WiMAX QoS Multicast Scheduling UL


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